Tanzania May Increase Borrowing to Fund Budget After Aid Cut
By Alawi Masare
Tanzania may borrow more to help finance its budget this year after foreign donors said they will withhold funding because of a corruption scandal, Finance Ministry Permanent Secretary Servacius Likwelile said.
The U.K., Japan, Germany and other development partners including the World Bank announced last week they will keep back about four-fifths of the $558 million pledged for the country’s 2014-15 budget. Foreign loans and grants account for about 15 percent of Tanzania’s...
Habari Zinazoendana
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Cut foreign aid budget to make some easy savings
It is about time too. You don't need the Chancellor's brains or instinct for saving taxpayers' money to realise that we should not be paying for trapeze lessons in Tanzania or funding governments that already have their own space programmes. However ...
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Richfield boy looks to fund aid trip to Tanzania
The Sun Current
A Richfield boy is raising funds for a trip to Arusha, Tanzania, to volunteer at the Living Water Children's Center orphanage, where he will arrive with much-needed school supplies and well-deserved toys. Cody Roemen, a 10-year-old boy who recently moved ...
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DAR ES SALAAM - The European Union has released 53.26 million euros ($56.7 million) in aid to Tanzania as part of a budget support package that had been suspended over corruption allegations in the east African nation. Tanzania, one of Africa's biggest ...
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