
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzania: New Constitution Moves Tanzania Closer to Gender Parity

Tanzania: New Constitution Moves Tanzania Closer to Gender Parity
ON Monday, this week, the Draft Committee of the Constituent Assembly (CA) completed its work and officially presented the corrected version of the new Constitution for endorsement through voting. The draft contains different contentious issues such as ...

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Remember gender parity, CA members reminded

Remember gender parity, CA members reminded
Women activists from different organisations have called on members of the Constituent Assembly to endorse a clause that will promote substantive equality and having constitutional goals that embraces gender parity. Speaking in the 'Women and ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Ministry calls for gender parity in decision making

Daily News
Ministry calls for gender parity in decision making
Daily News
AS the country marks the International Women's Day, the Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children has called for gender parity in decision making at all levels. Addressing journalists on Thursday, the Ministry's Deputy Minister, Ms Pindi ...


11 years ago


Gender parity requires more women in elective posts

Daily News
Gender parity requires more women in elective posts - Makinda
National Assembly Speaker Anna Makinda has advised women MPs participating in the Constituent Assembly (CA) to jointly shout and push for agendas in the assembly to ensure inclusion of crucial women aspects in the constitution. Makinda made the ...
Makinda reiterates Bunge no place for quick moneyDaily News

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10 years ago


Mongela:Gender parity means equal access to opportunities

Mongela:Gender parity means equal access to opportunities
The Arusha District Commissioner John Mongela said gender inequality has to be acted upon until parity is realized between women and men as well as between girls and boys. Mongela was officiating at a two-day East Africa Regional Equality conference in ...


10 years ago

Sabahi Online

Tanzania Constitution Forum seeks draft constitution distributed before referendum

Tanzania Constitution Forum seeks draft constitution distributed before referendum
Sabahi Online
The Tanzania Constitution Forum (TCF) has called on the government to distribute copies of the draft constitution before it goes to a vote in the March referendum, Tanzania's Daily News reported Tuesday (December 30th).
Call for mass dtribution of recommended Katiba copiesDaily News
TCF Deputy Chairman, Hebron MwakagendaIPPmedia

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11 years ago

Minneapolis Star Tribune

Tanzania's growth bears a closer look

Minneapolis Star Tribune
Tanzania's growth bears a closer look
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Hilda Nzuzu, left, her grandson Samweli and his mother, Anna, took a reading break outside. Hilda is headmaster of Upendo preschool in central Tanzania; Anna is a teacher and Samweli is a student. Photo: Andrea Wall • PEN Trust,. Camera Star Tribune ...
Taking in TanzaniaThe National
Tanzania ready to review border closureEast African Business Week

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11 years ago


Dream LNG plant comes closer for Tanzania

Statoil and co-venturer ExxonMobil have successfully conducted a drill stem test (DST) at Zafarani-2 gas field offshore discoveries in Tanzania, bringing the dream for development of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant closer.


11 years ago


China, Tanzania pledge closer security cooperation

China, Tanzania pledge closer security cooperation
BEIJING, June 10 (Xinhua) -- China's top security official Meng Jianzhu met here on Tuesday with visiting Tanzanian Minister for Home Affairs Mathias Chikawe, agreeing to facilitate closer law enforcement cooperation. Meng, head of the Commission for ...


10 years ago


'New Constitution Honours Gender Equality'

'New Constitution Honours Gender Equality'
THERE is jubilation among women in different regions, after the Draft constitution decided to include a section that gives women the power to own and inherit land, just like their male counterparts. Women activists associations are among the groups which ...
Final draft commended for upholding women's rightsIPPmedia

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