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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzania ranks high in online food ordering

Tanzania leads in Africa by using mobile phones to order food more than computers, an infographic presentation has shown.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Mbeya ranks high in basic EA literacy

The Standard Digital News (satire) (press release) (registration) (blog)
Mbeya ranks high in basic EA literacy
Daily News
TANZANIA's Mbeya Urban has emerged the best performing district in basic literacy and numeracy skills among primary school children in East Africa, with Kenyan districts dominating the rest of the top ten slots. Most children in East Africa, according to new ...
Uwezo report shows 44% of children perform poor in literacy and numeracy testsThe Standard Digital News (satire)...


10 years ago


‘Food prices too high for the majority ahead of Christmas’

>Residents here have complained against the increase in food prices in many areas ahead of end of the year festive season where prices of staple food doubled a week before Christmas.


10 years ago


Farmers’ hopes high as govt allows traders to export food

The government has called on traders to export foodstuffs held in storage as huge harvests for 2013/14 season will lower produce prices, harming farmers.


10 years ago


City residents now to purchase food online

Ordering for food in Dar es Salaam is now a click away, thanks to a new initiative by Africa Internet Holding (AIH).


10 years ago


Online food supplier attracts 70 restaurants

An online food delivery company has attracted over 70 restaurants.Such outlets are seeking more customers through the online food delivery platform.


10 years ago


Report ranks Tanzania top in capacity building

>A new report ranks Tanzania first in capacity development in Africa.According to the 2014 Africa Capacity Report (ACR), released by the Zimbabwe-based African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), Tanzania is the best performer in policy environment, capacity for implementation and capacity to generate development results.


10 years ago


Online firm, Rotary club donate food to the needy

A mobile and online food ordering company ‘Hellofood’ in collaboration with the Rotary club of Bahari (Dar es Salaam) through their campaign of helping orphans and the homeless ‘dubbed’ Light Up Soul have donated food and different items to the Methodist church at Msasani.


10 years ago


Tanzania: Lowassa Headed to Opposition Ranks As Race for Presidency Heats Up

Tanzania: Lowassa Headed to Opposition Ranks As Race for Presidency Heats Up
Tanzania's opposition coalition Ukawa has officially welcomed former Prime Minister Edward Lowassa into its ranks in a plan to reinforce their efforts to defeat the ruling party CCM in the October presidential elections. In a strange turn of events ...
Former Tanzania Prime Minister Lowassa set to join oppositionCoastweek

all 6


10 years ago


Curious on Tanzania Launches Tanzania Culture Fest in New York City On September 5, 2015 experience Tanzania in New York City with a cultural evening of food and live entertainment that will inspire and fulfill your curiosities about Tanzania.

Curious on Tanzania Launches Tanzania Culture Fest in New York City On September 5, 2015 experience Tanzania in New York City with a cultural evening of food and live entertainment that will inspire and fulfill your curiosities about Tanzania. 

The idea behind the Fest is to celebrate Tanzanian culture with Tanzanians, taste makers, previous/ future travelers and others who are curious to know more or experience our culture and more. Some of the highlight of the event will be Tanzanian...



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