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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzania ready for East African single visa to participate

NFL News and Rumors
Tanzania ready for East African single visa to participate
NFL News and Rumors
Tanzania is ready to eventually join a single visa scheme – currently operational in the three East African countries of Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda – amid efforts to promote the sub-region as a tourism destination. "As a country, we are now doing our ...
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NFL News and Rumors

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


New pacts ease path toward East African single currency

Moves toward deeper economic integration among the countries of the East African Community (EAC)—Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda—have gained new impetus from agreements sealed in recent weeks.


9 years ago


Join single EA visa agreement, Tanzania and Burundi urged

With the East African Community single tourist visa, travellers can visit any of the countries in the region but not Tanzania and Burundi.


11 years ago


Door for Burundi and Tanzania to join common tourist visa in East Africa still open

Door for Burundi and Tanzania to join common tourist visa in East Africa still open
Tanzania's latest snub towards the Coalition of the Willing came late last week when officials called the recently launched common tourist Visa for Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya a 'security risk' and a threat to its economy, reasons immediately dismissed as ...
EAC moots grand plans for ArushaEast African Business Week
Sitta: Our people come firstIPPmedia
East Africa may launch single currency...


11 years ago


Concern over single visa without Dar

The East African Business Council (EABC) is seeking to see Tanzania join the East African Community states referred to as Coalition of the Willing (CoWs) and be party to the single tourist visa plan.


10 years ago


How can Tanzania become exemplary in East African region?

How can Tanzania become exemplary in East African region?
Tanzania is among few countries endowed with many resources, including natural gas, oil and minerals. Staff Writer DANIEL SEMBERYA held an exclusive interview with former Prime Minister in the Tanzania's third phase government, FREDERICK SUMAYE ...


11 years ago


EA Community to start single tourist visa soon

 President Museveni yesterday offered to implement several reforms East African leaders launched last year and urged other member states to reduce the cost of doing business.


11 years ago


Dar Reserved Over Single Tourism Visa

Dar Reserved Over Single Tourism Visa
Dodoma — TANZANIA will not join Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda in issuing a single tourism visa until issues related to security and dividend are made clear, Deputy Minister for East African Cooperation, Dr Abdullah Juma Saadalla, told the National Assembly ...


10 years ago

Daily Mail

Tanzania shuts major East African newspaper

Daily Mail
Tanzania shuts major East African newspaper
Daily Mail
Tanzania has suspended the publication of a major regional newspaper, the East African, with diplomats voicing concern at a possible crackdown on press freedom ahead of elections in October. The Nairobi-based weekly, part of the influential regional ...
Tanzania bans circulation of regional weeklyCPJ Press Freedom Online

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10 years ago


PFC condemns Tanzania for suspending The East African

PFC condemns Tanzania for suspending The East African
THE Press Freedom Committee of The Post has condemned the Tanzanian government's decision to suspend publication of the The East African newspaper. Committee chairperson Namatama Mundia stated yesterday that the suspension of the newspaper ...
Tanzanian Authorities Suspend Newspaper Citing FormalityInternational Press Institute (press release)

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