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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzania: Women Crave for Equal Representation in Constituent Assembly

Tanzania: Women Crave for Equal Representation in Constituent Assembly
ACTIVISTS in the sister islands of Pemba and Zanzibar are doubtful whether the 601-member Constituent Assembly tasked to discuss and approve the proposed new Union Constitution would have the full participation of women. Ms Harusi Mpatani, Zanzibar ...

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


CA members call for equal representation

>The issue of equal representation in the selection of leaders of the committees of the CA yesterday engaged members as they discussed formation of committees


11 years ago


UN commends Tanzania's efforts on women representation in parliament

UN commends Tanzania's efforts on women representation in parliament
UNDP Administrator and former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark is adorned with a kanga by members of Tanzania Women Parliamentary Group yesterday following the diplomat's visit. United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator ...
UN agency sets aside 35bn/- for 2015 pollsDaily News

all 2


11 years ago


Tanzania's Constituent Assembly to

Tanzania's Constituent Assembly to
DAR ES SALAAM, (Xinhua) -- The making of Tanzania's new constitution will start on Tuesday in the East African country's political capital of Dodoma when the 629 members of the Constituent Assembly will begin to debate the draft constitution. A preliminary ...
'Members should not forget that they are representing the poor wananchi'IPPmedia
CA members divided over payDaily News

all 5


11 years ago


Former ambassadors` experience working on Tanzania`s Constituent Assembly

Former ambassadors` experience working on Tanzania`s Constituent Assembly
Many people will be remembered for their contribution in the making of the new constitution. But others who are behind the scenes may not be known to the public. Costa Mahalu is one of them. A former Tanzanian Ambassador to Italy, Mahalu has been ...
CA forms team on tricky issuesDaily News
CA Albinos Ask for Large Font

all 8


10 years ago

The Guardian

Women in Tanzania set for equal land rights – let's make sure it happens

The Guardian
Women in Tanzania set for equal land rights – let's make sure it happens
The Guardian
Tanzanian women have until now had to rely on tenuous rights to land to feed themselves and their families. Photograph: Tom Gilks/Alamy. Sponsored by: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Jennifer Duncan and Scholastica Haule. Wednesday 15 October ...


10 years ago

Sabahi Online

Tanzania's Constituent Assembly hands over draft constitution to Kikwete, Shein

Tanzania's Constituent Assembly hands over draft constitution to Kikwete, Shein
Sabahi Online
Tanzania's Constituent Assembly (CA) on Wednesday (October 8th) presented a draft of the country's new constitution to President Jakaya Kikwete, more than two years after Kikwete announced a review of the current document, Tanzania's Daily News ...
Tanzania to hold vote on new
Tanzania to hold vote on new constitution, possibly after


5 years ago


Coronavirus in Nigeria: Changing women's representation through photography

Etinosa Yvonne's photographs challenge stereotypical representations of women during the pandemic.


10 years ago


Why women need equal chances now than before

Why women need equal chances now than before
Tanzanian women have in recent years been clamouring for fifty-fifty placements in all public posts, like representation in Parliament and other government posts. This is well and good, for according to the national census women a bit more, at 51 percent, than ...
Poverty shuts women out of political postsDaily News

all 2


11 years ago

Please, Do Us Justice

Constituent Assembly

Constituent Assembly - Please, Do Us Justice
OUR 612-member Constituent Assembly begins its 60-day final business of rewriting the proposed new Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania on August 5. During its first meeting, held in Dodoma between March and April this year, this key ...



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