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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzanian girls return after escaping genital mutilation

New Vision
Tanzanian girls return after escaping genital mutilation
New Vision
HUNDREDS of Tanzanian schoolgirls returned home Monday after spending three months hiding in safe houses to escape genital mutilation, state television said. Female genital mutilation (FGM) can range from hacking off the clitoris to the removal of the ...

New Vision

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Tanzanian girls return home after fleeing genital cutting

Tanzanian girls return home after fleeing genital cutting
Some 643 Tanzanian girls who escaped female genital mutilation (FGM) in the district and gathered at one rescue centre, are expected to leave the camp soon. Allafrica. TARIME. Police Commander for Tarime Special Police Zone, Benedict Mambosasa, has ...
Tanzanian girls escape from genital mutilationThe New Age Online

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11 years ago


First UK genital mutilation charges

The first UK prosecutions over female genital mutilation are announced by the Crown Prosecution Service.


11 years ago


Anatomy of female genital mutilation

What is it and why is it still being carried out across the world?


9 years ago


Gambia bans female genital mutilation

The Gambian president bans female genital mutilation - in a country where 76% of women get the risky procedure.


9 years ago


'Genital mutilation' man denies charges

A Danish man accused of mutilating women's genitals and keeping them in a freezer in South Africa says he had no role in the murder of his wife, the main witness against him.


11 years ago

The Commentator

Female genital mutilation: UK institutions not to blame

Female genital mutilation: UK institutions not to blame
The Commentator
When it comes to female genital mutilation, blaming anything or anyone other than the culture that practices it, is an extraordinary and cowardly blame-shifting exercise. This concerns Islam, and we must say so. Fgm. How best to put an end to FGM in Britain?
Police Gender Desks May Play Significant Role in War On

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11 years ago


Extreme female genital mutilation now on retreat

It is a ritual supposed to keep women “pure”, but an increased understanding of the severe health risks of extreme forms of female genital mutilation appears to be slowly rolling back its prevalence in Somalia’s northwest.


11 years ago


A CHAT FROM LONDON: We should all speak out against female genital mutilation

>For decades now some of us have been disgusted by the cruel tradition of chopping off private parts of young girls, technically known as female genital mutilation (FGM).


5 years ago


Sudan criminalises female genital mutilation (FGM)

An amendment to the law states anyone who performs FGM faces three years' imprisonment and a fine.



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