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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzanian opposition says 40 volunteers arrested after election

Daily News & Analysis
Tanzanian opposition says 40 volunteers arrested after election
Daily News & Analysis
Tanzania's opposition Chadema party said on Monday police had detained 40 of its volunteers after a combined presidential and parliamentary election at the weekend, in an incident marring an otherwise broadly peaceful voting process. Tanzanian ...
An Idiot's Guide to the Tanzanian
Tanzanian Ruling Party Candidate Takes Early Lead in ElectionsBloomberg

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Daily News & Analysis

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Sabahi Online

Tanzania opposition leader arrested during protest

Daily Mail
Tanzania opposition leader arrested during protest
Sabahi Online
Tanzanian police arrested an opposition party leader and 32 party members for allegedly holding a demonstration without police approval, Tanzania's The Guardian reported Wednesday (January 28th).
Tanzanian police arrest leading opposition figure at rallyDaily Mail
Tanzanian opposition chief charged with organising protestPeninsula On-line
Tanzanian opposition to boycott constitution voteJournal of Turkish Weekly
all 7


9 years ago


8 arrested for attacking election officer's home

Police have arrested eight people for allegedly invading and destroying a house belonging to the Nanyamba constituency returning officer.


10 years ago


Opposition wins Nigeria election

Nigerian presidential poll won by Muhammadu Buhari, in country's first election victory by opposition


9 years ago

Daily News | The National Newspaper (Press Release) (Blog)

Over 190 individuals arrested in Mbeya for post election violence

Over 190 individuals arrested in Mbeya for post election violence
Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
POLICE in Mbeya Region have arrested 196 people on suspicions of involvement in acts of violence and damage of various properties belonging to Rungwe and Mbozi District Councils, as vote counting was still underway. View Comments. Mbeya Regional ...


10 years ago


COVER: Opposition: Election must be top priority

>The coalition of four opposition parties, Ukawa, has changed guard on adoption of minimal reforms prior to October General Election, saying under current circumstances the reforms are no longer the number one priority.


9 years ago

Voice Of America

Tanzania Opposition Promises Election Victory

Voice of America
Tanzania Opposition Promises Election Victory
Voice of America
Last updated on: October 21, 2015 7:18 AM. The chairman of Tanzania's main opposition Chadema party said he is confident the opposition will win Sunday's presidential election over the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party which has ruled Tanzania since ...
Better terms lined up for all investorsDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Photos of the Day: Oct. 20Wall Street Journal
Tanzania presidential...


10 years ago


Tanzanian police officers arrested for kissing

Tanzanian police officers arrested for kissing
The Tanzanian press has reported that three police officers were arrested and lost their jobs after a photo of two of them kissing appeared on social networks. The third officer had taken the photograph. The officers in question were part of the traffic patrol in ...
Tanzanian police officers fired after kissing photo went viralThe Straits Times
Police officers lose jobs for kissing on dutyTVNZ
Two Tanzanian Police Officers Get...


10 years ago


Mwanga link to Tanzanian arrested in Garissa

The Tanzanian man arrested in connection with last week’s deadly Al Shabaab attack on a Kenyan university in which at least 148 people were shot dead, has been reported as hailing from Kilimanjaro Region’s Mwanga District.


11 years ago

Legalbrief (Subscription)

Tanzanian arrested after threats against Zuma wife

Post (subscription)
Tanzanian arrested after threats against Zuma wife
Legalbrief (subscription)
A 29-year-old Tanzanian man who threatened to expose 'secrets' about first lady Nompumelelo Ntuli-Zuma's bodyguard has been arrested in Durban, according to a Sunday Tribune report. Steven Ongolo was arrested on Friday afternoon for extortion.
FIVE MINUTES: South AfricaDaily Maverick
'Extortion plots have no connection'The Witness
Zuma's wife in blackmail dramaPost (subscription)

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