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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzanian youth in ILO crab venture

East African Business Week
Tanzanian youth in ILO crab venture
East African Business Week
KNOW-HOW: Consultants on the project said the young people can expect three harvests of adult fattened crabs. DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania - The International Labour Organisation (ILO) regional office is spending nearly $10,000 help young Tanzanians ...

East African Business Week

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Q&A: Venture Hive Helps Tanzanian Students Launch Viable Businesses

Q&A: Venture Hive Helps Tanzanian Students Launch Viable Businesses
Miami-based entrepreneurship education organization, accelerator and incubator Venture Hive recently partnered with two Tanzanian organizations to create an education program to help students at five Tanzanian universities start actual businesses while ...


10 years ago


ILO Tanzania to celebrate five (5) years of empowering youth through entrepreneurship in Tanzania

 International Labour Organization (ILO) has announced today that the National Capstone Conference in Tanzania will take place on the 7th of May at the Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre aiming to showcase the success of The Youth Entrepreneurship Facility (YEF) and its partners over the past five years and celebrate the achievements with its young beneficiaries and partners.
Since its inception, the YEF has unleashed entrepreneurial potential of more than 30,000 emerging and...


10 years ago


More than 50 pct of Tanzanian youth are undereducated

More than 50 pct of Tanzanian youth are undereducated - ILO
More than half (58.5 per cent) of Tanzanian youth are undereducated and 7.1 per cent of all youth have no education at all, a recent research by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) has revealed. Presenting research findings titled 'Labour market ...


9 years ago

Voice Of America

Tanzanian Youth Gearing Up for Sunday's Election

Voice of America
Tanzanian Youth Gearing Up for Sunday's Election
Voice of America
October 24, 2015 12:30 PM. DAR ES SALAAM—. Tanzanians head to the polls Sunday and the election is the primary topic of conversation these days. Voters will determine whether to keep ruling party CCM in power or if they will instead choose the ...
Tanzania: Tough Choice for Tanzanians in Hotly Contested
Tanzania's ruling party in unpredictable race to keep powerWashington Post
Whichever choice...


9 years ago


Tanzanian Election May Hinge On Youth Vote

Tanzanian Election May Hinge On Youth Vote
Tanzanians are set to go to the polls in one of the most tightly contested elections since independence. The youth vote could determine the outcome; young Tanzanians want a government that addresses their concerns. The working day begins for Gladness ...


10 years ago


Tanzanian shines in C’wealth youth progress awards

Tanzania’s Julius Shirima is this year’s overall pan-Commonwealth Youth Award winner, an honour bestowed on him for his role in promoting youth empowerment, education and gender equality.


10 years ago


18 Tanzanian Students to Participate in Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program

United States Ambassador Mark Childress met with eighteen secondary school students and four coordinators of The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program in Tanzania. The students (15-17 years of age) from Zanzibar and the mainland have been selected to live and study in the United States for up to a full academic year under the YES program.
Among these students 11 are from Zanzibar and 7 from three regions in Mainland Tanzania, including Kilimanjaro, Tanga and Coastal regions. ...


11 years ago



Doreen Noni at Davos. In January 2012, Doreen Noni, Creative Director of Eskado Bird, was one of the 70 carefully selected Global Shapers from 36 countries to attend the first ever Global Shapers delegation in Davos, Switzerland hosted by the World Economic Forum representing her fashion label Eskado Bird. This year, Doreen is the only Global Shaper from the Tanzanian hub attending the Annual 2014 World Economic Forum in Davos,...



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