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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzanians call for peaceful election

Tanzanians from all walks of life say they want peace to prevail on Election Day and to afterwards to be able to continue with earning their livelihoods.  


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

Daily Trust

Jonathan urges peaceful election, as Tanzanians vote today

Daily Trust
Jonathan urges peaceful election, as Tanzanians vote today
Daily Trust
Tanzanians, among them people of the semi-autonomous nation of Zanzibar, have been urged to conduct peaceful, fair and credible elections. The Chairman of the Commonwealth Observer Mission to the election and immediate past president of Nigeria, ...
Observers' role is crucial in General ElectionDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)

all 4


9 years ago


Fashion Designers Call for Peaceful Election

Fashion Designers Call for Peaceful Election
Three renowned fashion designers showcased their work and calling for a peaceful election during the Fashion for Peace event held at King Solomon Hall, Namanga, in Dar es Salaam at the weekend. The show, organised by the 360 Degree Company, ...


9 years ago


Tanzanians Must Strive for a Peaceful Country

The Star Online
Tanzanians Must Strive for a Peaceful Country
Tanzania's ruling CCM presidential candidate John Pombe Magufuli has been declared the winner of the hotly contested race that saw an upsurge of opposition politics. Dr Magufuli's victory has not gone down well with the opposition, whose presidential ...
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9 years ago

Daily Sun

Jonathan advises Tanzanians on need for peaceful polls

Daily Sun
Jonathan advises Tanzanians on need for peaceful polls
Daily Sun
Former president, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan yesterday advised the Tanzanian National Electoral Commission, political parties and civil societies to ensure peaceful and transparent electoral process. Jonathan gave the advice on arrival as the chairperson of ...


9 years ago


Congo 'peaceful uprising' call

An opposition leader in Congo-Brazzaville calls for a "peaceful uprising" to prevent Sunday's referendum on whether the president can run for office again.


10 years ago

Daily News

lawmakers call for peaceful elections

lawmakers call for peaceful elections
Daily News
MEMBERS of Zanzibar House of Representatives yesterday approved 23.3bn/= budget estimates for the office of the Second Vice President, with a call for peace and transparency during the general elections. Almost all the voices heard in the House from ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Police call for peaceful Easter

Police call for peaceful Easter
Daily News
THE Police Force in the country has urged the community to be vigilant in terms of defence and security of their lives and property during the festive Easter holidays which begin on Thursday, Good Friday. The police force spokesperson, Ms Advera Bulimba, ...


10 years ago


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9 years ago


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