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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzanians Should Support Needy Children Go to School

Tanzanians Should Support Needy Children Go to School
million/- to Mburahati Secondary School Headmistress, Ms Federika Nyakunga, as school fee for 20 Form Four students who were not allowed to sit for the final exams scheduled for this week. The minister offered the money during their graduation ceremony ...

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Tanzanians implored to support the needy

Daily News
Tanzanians implored to support the needy
Daily News
FORMER Prime Minister Frederick Sumaye has urged Tanzanians to abandon selfishness and develop a culture of serving the needy people to boost national development and people's welfare. Speaking in Dar es Salaam over the weekend during an ...


10 years ago


Dar school to support orphans, poor children

Parents at Loyola High School resolved yesterday to take full responsibility of supporting orphans and students coming from poor families.


10 years ago


Dr Mengi urges businesses to support needy groups

Dr Mengi urges businesses to support needy groups
IPP Executive Chairman Dr Reginald Mengi has challenged members of the business community in Tanzania to channel part of their wealth into initiatives to assist people with disabilities. Dr Mengi threw the challenge over the weekend in Dar es Salaam ...


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

President Magufuli wants Tanzanians to bear more children to boost economy

President Magufuli wants Tanzanians to bear more children to boost economy  The Citizen Daily


11 years ago

Daily News

Community challenged to support vulnerable children

Community challenged to support vulnerable children
Daily News
COMMUNITY members should get involved and support the needs of Most Vulnerable Children (MVC) instead of leaving the responsibility to the government and other institutions. Assistant Commissioner for Social Welfare in the Ministry for Gender, Women ...


9 years ago


Govt urged to support vulnerable children

Govt urged to support vulnerable children
The government has been challenged to provide financial support to private organizations dealing with vulnerable children so that they can be sustainable. Kiota Women's Health and Development (KIHOWEDE) Centre Manager, Regina Mandia made the call ...


11 years ago


We Tanzanians in the Diaspora , Believe That Dual Citizenship is a Great Thing for The Country. Please Support.' on

Each year, bright, optimistic Africans leave home to earn an education or seek a better economic life abroad for themselves and their families. With fewer opportunities in their home country, many never return home. The African Diaspora is broadly defined by the African Union Commission as "peoples of African origin living outside the continent, irrespective of their citizenship and nationality and who are willing to contribute to the development of the continent and the building of the...


5 years ago

The Independent

Tanzanians raise £100,000 to support opposition politicians convicted for holding rally

Tanzanians raise £100,000 to support opposition politicians convicted for holding rally  The Independent


10 years ago


TAMWA: Support Mama Salma in fight for children's rights

TAMWA: Support Mama Salma in fight for children's rights
Efforts by First Lady Salma Kiketwe (pictured) and a score of Non - Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to fight for children's rights should be supported by members of the public. The statement was made by Tanzania Media Women's Association (TAMWA) ...



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