
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tanzanians trust you, CA told

>Constituent Assembly members have been urged to appreciate and value the trust Tanzanians have in them as they prepare to discuss the draft constitution.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Debate on new katiba still on, Tanzanians told

Debate on new katiba still on, Tanzanians told
Daily News
THE government has come out strongly to clarify on misinformation on the making of the new constitution and assured Tanzanians that the process is still on track. In a statement issued by the Tanzania Information Services, the government stated that ...


10 years ago


Tanzanians told to have reading and writing habits

Tanzanians told to have reading and writing habits
Tanzanians have been urged to develop the habit of writing and reading books with the country's history to enable them understand about the past. Speaking on behalf of President Jakaya Kikwete, during the book launch on “Photographic Journey 50 Years ...
On the Occasion of the United Republic of Tanzanias Union DayMENAFN.COM
Sports continue to strengthen the cherished Tanzania unionDaily News

all 4


11 years ago


Trust my committee, says Mahalu

The committee appointed to review the Constituent Assembly draft standing orders boasts several law heavyweights, and CA members should have faith in it, according to committee chairman Costa Mahalu.


10 years ago


Trust local coaches, they can do the job

A whirlwind of excitement is already engulfing soccer fans as the kick-off of the 2015/16 Premier League season draws closer.


11 years ago


Why Egypt investors trust in Sisi

>Egyptian Army chief Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi may not look like a model democrat, but foreign and local businessmen believe he can deliver stability to open up investment opportunities in the most populous Arab nation.


11 years ago

Daily News

CA members must live up to people's trust

Daily News
CA members must live up to people's trust
Daily News
AFTER weeks of bickering and fiery exchanges in the Constituent Assembly (CA), the House has finally endorsed standing orders that will govern proceedings and how members conduct themselves during sessions. From day one, members seemed to dwell ...
Why new constitution is likely to be stillbornIPPmedia

all 6


11 years ago


Public lack trust in NEC

Public lack trust in NEC-Lubuva
The Chairman of the National Electoral Commission (NEC) Judge Damian Lubuva (rtd) mid this week called on the public to have trust, confidence and good will towards the state organ. The call made in Dar es Salaam comes at the backdrop of perennial ...
NEC deserves praise for meeting stakeholdersDaily News
Tanzania to Conduct Biometric Voter

all 7


10 years ago

Rights Coalition

Ukawa's delay costing them public trust

Ukawa's delay costing them public trust - rights coalition
Delay by the Coalition of People's Constitution (Ukawa) to name its presidential candidate for the October General Election is costing the Ukawa public trust, National Coordinator of Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC) Onesmo ...



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