
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tax exemption bill in the pipeline

 In a bid to increase government revenues and minimise budget dependency, the government is looking forward to table the tax exemption bill that will enable MPs to debate and come up with best means of collecting revenues.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Stove maker wants tax exemption reinstated

Manufacturers of Moto Poa stoves and gel which has been used in some areas as an alternative to kerosene have pleaded with the government to consider reinstating tax exemption on the products to promote the use of clean energy among ordinary Tanzanians.


10 years ago


URA rejects Museveni’s tax exemption grant directive

Uganda Revenue Authority has refused to release goods meant for the Kampala Hilton Hotel project despite a directive by President Museveni to grant the Aya Group another tax holiday for goods meant to finish the Shs490 billion project.


11 years ago


Bill to regulate house rents in pipeline

Plans are underway to table a Bill in Parliament that will regulate landlords and bar them from setting unilateral rental charges.


10 years ago


Bill to amend 1999 Copyright Act in pipeline

Bill to amend 1999 Copyright Act in pipeline
The National Assembly was yesterday told that the Bill to amend the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act, No 7 of 1999 was in the pipeline, awaiting cabinet approval before tabling in Parliament. The deputy minister for Industry and Trade, Janet Mbene ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Bill to control tax waiver, holidays in the making

Daily News
Bill to control tax waiver, holidays in the making
Daily News
THE government plans to table in the house proposals to remove tax waiver to some parties and reduce the number of beneficiaries of tax holiday, the National Assembly was told. Deputy Minister for Finance Mwingulu Nchemba told the house that the ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Quorum stalls passage of key tax bill

Daily News
Quorum stalls passage of key tax bill
Daily News
PASSAGE of the Tax Administration Bill 2014 in the National Assembly failed to take place on Thursday evening due to absenteeism by members of Parliament (MPs). House Chair, Mr Musa Azzan, adjourned the session to a later day for endorsement.


11 years ago


Govt: Bill to scrap tax exemptions to be tabled before long

Govt: Bill to scrap tax exemptions to be tabled before long
A bill to nullify tax exemptions for both local and foreign investors is to be tabled before Parliament in the near future the government has said. Minister of State Prime Minister's Office-Coordination and Parliamentary Affairs William Lukuvi made the remarks ...


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Tanzania in international tax law : Tax incentives for foreign investment—2

Tanzania in international tax law : Tax incentives for foreign investment—2  The Citizen Daily


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

MANAGING TAX RISKS: Impact of virus crisis on tax collections

MANAGING TAX RISKS: Impact of virus crisis on tax collections  The Citizen Daily



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