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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Teachers to get independent body to deal with grievances

Daily News
Teachers to get independent body to deal with grievances
Daily News
TEACHERS in the country have reasons to smile after the government approved establishment of an independent body that would, among other things, deal with their employment and ethical conduct. Premier Mizengo Pinda said here that the cabinet has ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Independent body to oversee teachers' affairs, says PM

Independent body to oversee teachers' affairs, says PM
An independent body been formed for the sole purpose of addressing teachers' challenges and especially salary related discrepancies, the government said clarifying that the Public Service Recruitment Secretariat will however still oversee most other ...


11 years ago


‘Teachers’ professional body crucial’

>The delay by the government to present a draft bill in Parliament on the establishment of Tanzania Teachers Professional Body (TTPB) has affected the performance of the Big Results Now (BRN) in education sector, stakeholders said over the weekend.


10 years ago

Daily News

Teachers' body holds meeting in Arusha

Teachers' body holds meeting in Arusha
Daily News
MORE than 1,200 teachers from all the regions of the country are scheduled to meet in Arusha next week to deliberate on issues pertaining to their profession. Organised by the Tanzania Teachers' Union (CWT), the three-day meeting which begins on ...


10 years ago


Teachers body in race to meet pay demand

 The Teachers Service Commission is making efforts to meet the salary demands by teachers and avert a possible strike ahead of the national examinations season which begins next month.


9 years ago


Lack of funds leaves teachers' monitory body 'toothless'

Lack of sufficient funds to run teachers' monitory body  Teachers Service Department (TSD) has lead to a backslide of  professionalism as truant teachers are not held accountable. 


11 years ago


Kenyan teachers cancel union deal

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (Knut) and its rival the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) will not merge after all.


10 years ago


People with albinism submit grievances to EU Dar office

People with albinism submit grievances to EU Dar office
An angry group of people with albinism staged a peaceful demonstration in Dar es Salaam yesterday that went up to the European Union offices. They were accusing the Tanzanians of failure to stop brutal killings of their colleagues and therefore wanted the ...


10 years ago


Kikwete to bid teachers farewell at Teachers' Union meeting

Kikwete to bid teachers farewell at Teachers' Union meeting
President Jakaya Kikwete is tomorrow expected to officiate the ninth annual general meeting (AGM) of the Tanzania Teachers' Union (TTU) to be held in Arusha's Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge. He is also expected to use the opportunity to bid farewell to teachers ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Youth urged to be independent

Youth urged to be independent
Daily News
PRESIDENT Jakaya Kikwete has called on the youth to refuse being used as an agenda to serve the selfish interests of politicians and activists and instead engage in lawful productive ventures. He made the call at the climax of this year's Uhuru Torch Race ...



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