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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Team to enforce law on noise

>The minister for Environment, Dr Binilith Mahenge, yesterday inaugurated the new board of the National Environment Management Council (NEMC) and directed the organ to robustly enforce regulations controlling noise levels and the use of disposable plastic bags.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Enforce noise pollution rules to benefit us all

>Tanzanian towns and cities are choked, not only by garbage; it is choked by noise too. Noise from music bars, partying households, nightclubs, motorbike taxis (bodaboda)… you name it.    That is called noise pollution. It is bad enough that bar patrons, who should be enjoying themselves, have to contend with sound levels that threaten to burst eardrums.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Enforce the law, protect us

>Whenever there is an accident, especially one in which scores of people are killed, the law and security agencies spring into action. They suddenly remember this law and that regulation and hurry to enforce it.


9 years ago

Daily News

Police, communication ministry to enforce law on cybercrime

Police, communication ministry to enforce law on cybercrime
Daily News
THE police force has vowed to work closely with the Ministry of Communication, Science and Technology to implement the Cybercrime and Electronic Transaction Act expected to take effect on September 1, this year. Speaking in Dar es Salaam over the ...


9 years ago

Daily News

Police to work with ministry to enforce cybercrime law

Police to work with ministry to enforce cybercrime law
Daily News
THE police force has vowed to work closely with the Ministry of Communication, Science and Technology in implementing the cybercrime and electronic transaction act, as it is expected to take effect on September 1. This was said yesterday by the ...


10 years ago


Anti-noise pollution law to take effect

>Environment minister Dr Binilith Mahenge has signed into law regulations that seek to control noise and vibration levels whose excess has become a major public nuisance in Dar es Salaam and other urban centres in the country.


9 years ago


Nemc reminds citizens of law against noise pollution

The National Environment Management Council (Nemc) has issued a warning against anyone planning to conduct a public event likely to cause noise pollution to first seek relevant permits to avoid legal measures including fines.


9 years ago


Read the law, Mbabazi tells poll team on rallies

Presidential aspirant, John Patrick Amama Mbabzi has said that he has not broken any law during his consultative meetings that began on Monday and advised the Electoral Commission to act within the confines of the law.


9 years ago


EDITORIAL: Enforce good parenting

Parenting is an art, family relationships experts say. Positive parenting is crucial to forming strong families that help children realise their full potential.


10 years ago


Liberia troops enforce quarantine

Security forces in Liberia's capital deploy to enforce a quarantine in a large slum area in Monrovia in order to contain the spread of Ebola.



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