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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Ten people charged with terrorism

Ten people charged with terrorism
Daily News
TEN people appeared before the Kisutu Resident Magistrate's Court in Dar es Salaam yesterday charged with several counts relating to terrorist acts including promoting warlike undertakings against the government of the United Republic of Tanzania.

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


6 charged with terrorism over Arusha restaurant bombing

The six terror suspects were brought to the Arusha Resident Magistrate’s Court at around 1.20pm under tight security. Scores of people jostled to get a glimpse of the suspects as they were being escorted into the court.


11 years ago


How serial killer gunned down ten people in 72hrs

>For the past few years, Tarime District has been hit by ethnic clashes over land and cattle rustling, so much so that the government eventually set up a special police force in the region to restore peace.


9 years ago


Eight people charged with publishing inaccurate data

Eight people charged with publishing inaccurate data
Eight people alleged to be followers of Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) yesterday appeared before the Kisutu Resident Magistrate's Court in Dar es Salaam charged with three counts including publication of inaccurate information.


10 years ago

Daily Mail

Four people are charged with murdering an albino woman and cutting off her ...

Daily Mail
Four people are charged with murdering an albino woman and cutting off her ...
Daily Mail
Four people have been charged with murdering an albino woman in Tanzania and cutting off her legs and an arm for black magic rituals. Zawadi Magindu was killed at Nyamalulu village in the north western Geita region of the African country in November ...
Albino Murders in Tanzania (Excerpt from 'VICE News Meets Josephat Torner')VICE News
Four Charged Over Albino Murder In Tanzania Amid Growing...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Ten young film crews. Ten inspiring climate films


-Bernardo Bertolucci heads up the distinguished jury that chose the winners of the Action4Climate documentary competition

Ten young film crews from ten different countries were chosen as winners in the Action4Climate documentary competition ( Their outstanding and unique films inspire the world to take action on climate change.

“These talented young film makers connect to their audience in emotional and powerful ways about the dangers of climate change. They...


10 years ago


TERRORISM: Terrorism didn’t start last year or millennium!

>The world’s being ravaged by terrorism. ‘Terrorism’ is the systematic use of terror - itself a state of intense fear - especially as a means of coercion! This is in the true and tried tradition of Man’s iniquity unleashed upon fellow Man (read ‘humanity’).


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

11 years ago

Cell Leadership Under Revision


Daily News
Ten-cell leadership under revision
Daily News
THE government works closely with leaders of all political parties and religious denominations to foster development and enhance security of the nation. The Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office (Policy, Coordination and Parliament), William Lukuvi ...


10 years ago

Old Raes USD 10000 For Water Well

Ten year

Ten year-old raes USD 10000 for water well
Daily News
THE USD10,000 target that 10-year-old Eva Henderson of North port, US set out to rae in May to build a clean-water well in Ngongongare village in Arusha, Tanzania, has been met. Soon the village will have a well with a clean-water filtration system that ...



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