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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


The brain can change the genetic code within its cells to create memories

The brain can change the genetic code within its cells to create memories  News Landed

News Landed

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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

The New York Times

Philip Leder, Who Helped Decipher the Genetic Code, Dies at 85

Philip Leder, Who Helped Decipher the Genetic Code, Dies at 85  The New York Times


11 years ago


Govt urged to create code of governance for Dar corporations

“Any country that wants to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) must focus on improving corporate governance for that is what investors are looking for,” said Ms Valls, who is also the Chief Executive Officer of Mauritius Institute of Directors (MIoD).


9 years ago


Young reporters aim to create change in Z’bar

Tabitha Bukanu remembers being ostracised at school, purposely avoided because of a disease beyond her control.


10 years ago


Genetic diversity of Africa revealed

Scientists have completed a comprehensive study of genetic diversity in Sub-Saharan Africa.


5 years ago

Tech Explorist

These new stem cells have the ability to generate new bone

These new stem cells have the ability to generate new bone  Tech Explorist


5 years ago


Here's why the new coronavirus is so good at infecting human cells

Here's why the new coronavirus is so good at infecting human cells  Livescience.comWhat to Know About Coronavirus Immunity and Chances of Reinfection  TIMEClues to COVID-19 coronavirus's vulnerability emerge from an antibody against SARS  Medical XpressUBC at forefront of possible COVID-19 treatment - BC News  Castanet.netFace masks for COVID-19: A deep dive into the data  Ars TechnicaView Full coverage on Google News


9 years ago


Of The Tanzanian Change And Our Own Change By Peter Claver Oparah
Of The Tanzanian Change And Our Own Change By Peter Claver Oparah
Of recent, the hyperactive Nigerian social media has been abuzz with heightened excitement of some Nigerians on reported changes that are taking place in Tanzania under President John Pombe Magufuli.
Of The Tanzanian Change And Our Own ChangeP.M. News

all 2


5 years ago

The Verge

Genetic analysis of the coronavirus gives scientists clues about how it’s spreading

Genetic analysis of the coronavirus gives scientists clues about how it’s spreading  The Verge


5 years ago


New CRISPR-based tool can probe and control several genetic circuits at once

New CRISPR-based tool can probe and control several genetic circuits at once



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