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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


THE CULTURE BEAT : Things we desire can stop us from enjoying freedom

With the passing of elections in our country and talks of what was a “free and fair,” I have found myself thinking more and more of the words “free” and “freedom” and if we are in fact as human beings ever entirely “free” or have “freedom”.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


THE CULTURE BEAT : The phenomenon of hermaphrodites

In sociology 101 I remember encountering the whole idea of intersex/hermaphroditism in human beings. That was just an aspect in the spectrum of topics related to gender and sexuality in our societies that has fascinated me since that day.


9 years ago


THE CULTURE BEAT : We need to give in the name of honesty

A group of young men in New York conducted a social experiment on how giving the society is in the face of an honest beggar that states what he needs the money for versus a beggar that is with a sick child.


9 years ago


TIME TO MAKE ONE STOP BORDER POSTS A REALITY: Traders enjoying facilities, but Partner States challenged to operationalise regional law once in effect

Citizens of the region are set to benefit a great deal through facilities offered by the One Stop Border Posts (OSBPs) in the EAC Partner States. Already where the facilities are running bilaterally, there is facilitation of free movement of persons and the enhancement of trade between the Partner States, an EALA report adopted by the House states. In the regard, regional legislators are calling for the fast-tracking of all remaining works of the OSBPs to allow its implementation for...


9 years ago


THE CULTURE BEAT : The ‘downside’ of women empowerment

Stories of abuse and rape are so common that a lot of women still find abuse from a partner to be a normal thing. However, women empowerment has had a huge role not just in support of abused women but in making sure that their stories are heard and that justice is served.


9 years ago


THE CULTURE BEAT : Having children should be a personal choice

The word “family” means different things to different people. The initial definition of family only catered for the conventional idea of families: mother, father and children.


10 years ago


THE CULTURE BEAT: It’s alright to be alone during festive season

>It has been rumoured that suicide rates increase during the festive season. At least that’s what someone on Facebook (and lots of internet speculators) said.


9 years ago


THE CULTURE BEAT : Is education our way out of poverty as a nation?

I recently read a tweet of someone lamenting about the high cost of education.


9 years ago


THE CULTURE BEAT : Here’s how we can tackle poverty in Africa

In 2013, the World Bank Group announced two goals that would guide its development work worldwide. The first is the eradication of chronic poverty. More formally, it is the target of bringing the number of extremely poor people, defined as those living on less than 1.25 ppp-adjusted dollars a day, to less than 3pc of the world population by 2030.


9 years ago


CULTURE BEAT : We shouldn’t condone any form of violence

What would you do if you ever witnessed domestic violence? You could be at a mall shopping when you see a man abusing a woman or a woman abusing a man.



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