
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


THE CULTURE BEAT: Why we need civic education before writing a constitution

>Tanzania media has recently been flooded with news of the Constituent Assembly, its failures and its successes, if any. A common theme within all of this is the lack of agreement  within the Constituent Assembly’s members and the lack of the citizens’ grievances being dealt with.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


THE CULTURE BEAT : Is education our way out of poverty as a nation?

I recently read a tweet of someone lamenting about the high cost of education.


9 years ago

Washington Post (Blog)

Here are five lessons for writing a constitution (see under: Africa) that can ...

Here are five lessons for writing a constitution (see under: Africa) that can ...
Washington Post (blog)
Tanzanians are going to the polls this month, and the constitution will be one of the biggest issues. Here's the problem: the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party had agreed to reform it in ways that would loosen its tight grip on power — but ...


11 years ago


The positive side of our controversial constitution writing process

The positive side of our controversial constitution writing process
The die is cast. Constitutional Assembly MPs questioning the manner by which the constitution writing process has been proceeding have finally maintained their stand not to go back to house they left in protest a few months back in Dodoma. These are none ...


11 years ago


Sitta must admit consensus is lacking on constitution writing

Sitta must admit consensus is lacking on constitution writing
Debate is raging among sections of civil society and political stakeholders as to the reconvening of the Constitutional Assembly early next month, which top level authorities are declaring that it will go ahead, despite failing to make progress as to the ...


9 years ago


THE CULTURE BEAT : The phenomenon of hermaphrodites

In sociology 101 I remember encountering the whole idea of intersex/hermaphroditism in human beings. That was just an aspect in the spectrum of topics related to gender and sexuality in our societies that has fascinated me since that day.


9 years ago


THE CULTURE BEAT : We need to give in the name of honesty

A group of young men in New York conducted a social experiment on how giving the society is in the face of an honest beggar that states what he needs the money for versus a beggar that is with a sick child.


9 years ago


THE CULTURE BEAT : Here’s how we can tackle poverty in Africa

In 2013, the World Bank Group announced two goals that would guide its development work worldwide. The first is the eradication of chronic poverty. More formally, it is the target of bringing the number of extremely poor people, defined as those living on less than 1.25 ppp-adjusted dollars a day, to less than 3pc of the world population by 2030.


10 years ago


THE CULTURE BEAT: It’s alright to be alone during festive season

>It has been rumoured that suicide rates increase during the festive season. At least that’s what someone on Facebook (and lots of internet speculators) said.


9 years ago


THE CULTURE BEAT : The ‘downside’ of women empowerment

Stories of abuse and rape are so common that a lot of women still find abuse from a partner to be a normal thing. However, women empowerment has had a huge role not just in support of abused women but in making sure that their stories are heard and that justice is served.



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