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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


The essence of regulating broadcasting services

The adoption of the policies of liberalization from the mid-1980s has drasticallychanged the socio-economic landscape in Tanzania


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


‘Best system’ of regulating off-grid power developing

The future alternative to the traditional electric utility may emerge first in Tanzania. The East African nation has developed the best system of regulating and spurring off-grid power systems anywhere in the world, according to the annual Climatescope study into energy investment trends in developing nations by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.


5 years ago

Al Jazeera America

EU seeks to protect human rights by regulating AI

EU seeks to protect human rights by regulating AI  Al Jazeera AmericaView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


Time is of the essence as Africa grapples with climate change

No nation is immune to the impact of climate change but it is the world’s poorest that will be hit the hardest. A fair and inclusive global agreement to combat climate change is a moral imperative. Time is of the essence for Africa.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Need to probe essence of the ‘pre-form one’ craze

>Youngsters who sat the National Standard 7 exams in early September are still waiting for the results. It means they are not certain yet about their fate. However, already there are widespread activities meant, ostensibly, to prepare them for Form One entry in January. We are talking about academic preparations in the form of the so-called pre-Form One training.


11 years ago


Sanity battles paralysis as JK weighs in to regulating prenomination run

Sanity battles paralysis as JK weighs in to regulating prenomination run
CCM chairman President Jakaya Kikwete has finally resolved an acrimonious dispute as to whether specific individuals are free to make their nomination runs for the party flag in the general elections late next year. The president had to come into the debate ...


10 years ago

Daily News

TBS calls for more effort, capital in regulating food processing

TBS calls for more effort, capital in regulating food processing
Daily News
CERTIFICATION and regulating the growing food processing sub-sector in the country has proved to be a tough undertaking that requires more concerted efforts and human capital. As Tanzania records massive increase of people forming and joining small ...


5 years ago

Tech News Beats

Iot Engineering Services Market by 2027 Profiling Top Global Players like International Business Machines Corporation,Cognizant Aricent Inc.,Tata Consultancy Services

Iot Engineering Services Market by 2027 Profiling Top Global Players like International Business Machines Corporation,Cognizant Aricent Inc.,Tata Consultancy Services  Tech News Beats


9 years ago


Coming soon: Udom Radio broadcasting

The University of Dodoma (Udom) will soon open a radio station, one that will focus on educative programmes on various socio-economic aspects, The Citizen can revel.



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