
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


The ‘foolish’ smartphone is a disaster

My smartphone recently vanished, having grown legs and walked away from my bag on a busy Saturday morning. What I miss the most is the many notes and reminders I had saved on this phone.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

The Week Magazine

Why African independence was such a disaster

The Week Magazine
Why African independence was such a disaster
The Week Magazine
December 1961: Tanzanian prime minister designate Julius Kambarage Nyerere is carried on supporters' shoulders from Government House in Dar es Salaam during celebrations to mark the country's forthcoming independence. Keystone/Getty Images.


11 years ago


UN stresses CAR disaster warning

A senior UN envoy calls or a huge international effort to tackle what he describes as a "mega-crisis" in the Central African Republic.


11 years ago


Oscar Pistorius 'close to disaster'

Andrew Harding says Pistorius' testimony failed to impress


9 years ago


Disaster managers ready to face El

Disaster managers ready to face El-Nino
The department of Disaster Management in the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) has said it was on alert and prepared enough to face El-Nino storms likely to hit Tanzania next month. World weather forecasters have been of late expressing possibility of ...


11 years ago


Parents’ day ends in disaster

Following the protests last week by some parents for what they considered poor performance in last year’s KCPE examination, the HM, Ms Skastina, popularly known as Bensouda, called an emergency staff meeting.


11 years ago


'Tanzania's disaster management need improvement'

'Tanzania's disaster management need improvement'
Disaster management has become a major problem in the country. The government has built a culture of waiting until events occur and then try to reddress the situation. Little is done to mobilize resources and put in place preventative mechanisms.


9 years ago


Yes, declare Cholera a national disaster!

There is an elephant in the house, so it seems, that authorities would rather consider it is not there or simply fail to notice it. We are talking about the cholera epidemic that continues to ravage several parts of the country.


11 years ago

Daily News

Response to disaster management 'slow'

Response to disaster management 'slow'
Daily News
THE Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Defence and National Service, Ms Mwitango Rose Shelukindo, has underscored the need for collective responsibility among stakeholders in a quest to achieve sustainable disaster risk reduction. Opening a ...


5 years ago


We will fight together against diseases and disaster: SADC

We will fight together against diseases and disaster: SADC  Devdiscourse



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