The Julius Nyerere Master’s Scholarships at the University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh will offer one scholarship to a student from Tanzania for postgraduate Master’s study in any subject offered by the University for the 2015-2016 academic session.
The Julius Nyerere Scholarship was set up in 2009 in memory of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere who led Tanganyika to independence in 1961 and became the first prime minister and later president of Tanzania. Nyerere received a scholarship in 1949 to attend the University of Edinburgh where he obtained a Masters...
Dewji Blog
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
Dewji Blog03 Feb
Umeå University Scholarships for International Students │IOE Centenary Masters Scholarships and Many More
Global Health Corps Fellowship
Global Health Corps provides a yearlong paid fellowship for young professionals from diverse backgrounds to work on the frontlines of the fight for global health equity at existing health organizations and government agencies… More
TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences (Consortia)
Qualified researchers in one or more of the 81 S&T-lagging countries identified by TWAS are invited to form a research consortium with one or two collaborating groups to...
10 years ago
inauguration of a new degree program, Master of Science (Applied Economics and Business) at mzumbe university, Morogoro, in collaboration with CMR University of Bangalore, India
9 years ago
Dewji Blog20 Aug
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships │ University of Technology (UTS) President’s Scholarship and Many More
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS)
The Government of Canada launched the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) program in 2008 to strengthen Canada’s ability to attract and retain world-class doctoral students and establish Canada as a global centre of excellence in research and higher learning… More
2015 – Online Travel and Tourism Scholarship
Commencing in 2015, will be offering an annual AUD $1,250 scholarship to one talented travel thinker and...
10 years ago
Michuzi13 Feb
10 years ago
Dewji Blog17 Jan
Newcastle University Scholarships for International Undergraduate Students │ Women in Leadership Executive MBA Scholarship and Many More
Women in Leadership Executive MBA Scholarship
Hull University Business School is pleased to offer a full scholarship to cover the tuition fees of a prospective female student applying for the Hull Executive MBA programme… More
University of South Australia University-Wide Scholarships for International Applicants
The University of South Australia offers the following scholarships to international applicants – International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) and University President’s...
9 years ago
Raia Mwema10 Dec
Julius Nyerere, Mmajumui wa Kiafrika
WAKATI fulani mnamo mwaka 1958 Julius Nyerere, wakati huo tayari akiwa ni kiongozi wa chama cha T
Mwandishi Wetu
10 years ago
10 years ago
Michuzi18 Oct
6th Annual Julius K. Nyerere Commemoration in the US
9 years ago
Vijimambo18 Oct
7th Annual Julius K. Nyerere Commemoration
Dear friends, Nyerere supporters, and fellow justice activists –
On Saturday, November 15, 2015, the Julius K. Nyerere Commemoration committee will convene its 7th Annual program commemorating the life and work of Julius Kambarage Nyerere (1st President of Tanzania) at Gallery Serengeti, located at 7919 Central Avenue, Capitol Heights, MD 20743 (301.808.6987) from 5:00 – 7:00 pm. We anticipate an exciting program and hope you will join us and the...