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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


The legacy of colonialism and slavery costing Africa dearly

How do we measure the weight of our cultural presence in a globalized society? How does Africa’s unique cultural capital fare in the face of globalized cultures? We can look at the global accommodation given to our individual cultures


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Africa locked again into colonialism

>The rich nations have, at time, compromised the integrity of the UN by using it to undermine legitimate governments which are not supportive to Western efforts to infiltrate and control their economies.


11 years ago


Africa slides back to colonialism

>Much as Africa belongs to us Africans, reminding ourselves of the past, present and possible future, particularly when our leaders meet in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is essential.


11 years ago


'Africa's Che Guevara': Thomas Sankara's legacy

West African hero Thomas Sankara's legacy lives on


10 years ago


Conflict 'costing 13% of world GDP'

The cost of conflict has reached a record $14.3tn, more than 13% of world GDP, a report by the Institute for Economics and Peace says.


10 years ago

Rights Coalition

Ukawa's delay costing them public trust

Ukawa's delay costing them public trust - rights coalition
Delay by the Coalition of People's Constitution (Ukawa) to name its presidential candidate for the October General Election is costing the Ukawa public trust, National Coordinator of Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC) Onesmo ...


11 years ago


VIDEO: Remittances costing African migrants

The United States has offered billions to contribute to Africa's economic development, but many who left the continent to build a new life in America may be missing out.


11 years ago


Pay up or your loans will cost you dearly

Before the liberalisation of the money sector in the early 1990s, not many people could readily get personal loans from banks. This was largely because consumer banking was very limited and highly restricted.


5 years ago

TechRadar India

Beware - these 'free apps' might end up costing you thousands

Beware - these 'free apps' might end up costing you thousands  TechRadar IndiaApple may let you try apps without installing them in iOS 14  The VergeiOS 14: Apple developing ‘Clips’ feature for using apps without requiring full downloads  9to5MacThe Next iPhone Software Has A Brilliant Feature You’ll Want To Use Non-Stop  ForbesApple's next major iPhone update could completely change how you use apps - Business Insider  Business InsiderView Full coverage on Google...


5 years ago

The African Exponent

How the Buying of Black African People and Colonialism Fueled European Racism

How the Buying of Black African People and Colonialism Fueled European Racism  The African Exponent



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