
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


There is always next time to try again if you lose in polls

There is always next time to try again if you lose in polls
It is undisputable that in democratic states, elections are the core ingredients of their existence, unlike in countries following the autocratic rule. Tanzania, that before independence followed the colonial British type of multi-party democracy, adopted single ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

Times LIVE

Ministers lose seats as Tanzania counts polls

Times LIVE
Ministers lose seats as Tanzania counts polls
Times LIVE
Tanzanians voted on Sunday in presidential and parliamentary polls in which the ruling party is expected to fend off rivals led by former Prime Minister Edward Lowassa, who has tapped into mounting anger over corruption and the slow pace of change.
Tanzania election: Government ministers suffer shock defeatBBC News
Results of Country's Elections Out in Four Days, Says Electoral
Tanzania: 5 Cabinet ministers lose...


10 years ago


Don: Polls show CCM can lose power despite unfair system

The just ended local government elections have placed the ruling party CCM at the top against opposition political parties.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Cecafa cup: This is not the time to lose, guys!

>A sense of pride and revelry is overtaking Tanzania as the nation readies to host the 2015 East and Central Africa Club Championship. Dubbed Cecafa Kagame Cup, the tournament kicks off today at the National Stadium in Dar es Salaam, It has brought together 13 teams.


5 years ago

BBC News

BBC's Question Time to lose studio audience during coronavirus outbreak

BBC's Question Time to lose studio audience during coronavirus outbreak  BBC News


9 years ago


It's the right time for polls reforms: critics

One week after the General Elections, the opposition and its supporters are blaming the electoral commission for its lack transparency.


9 years ago


Now Is Right Time for Polls Reforms - Critics

Now Is Right Time for Polls Reforms - Critics
Dar es Salaam — After refusing to concede defeat the opposition and their supporters have been pointing accusing fingers to the electoral commission's lack of transparency and autonomy as one of the factors that contributed to their defeat. They have ...


9 years ago


Now is right time for polls reforms: critics

After refusing to concede defeat the opposition and their supporters have been pointing accusing fingers to the electoral commission’s lack of transparency and autonomy as one of the factors that contributed to their defeat.


9 years ago


It’s polls time and Tajiri TK needs Dr Kombo’s services

Very, very intriguing indeed! Last year ended with rather unusual hullabaloo about a Uswaz renowned astrologer-cum—devil-knows-what, without as much as butting an eyelid, ‘prophesying’ something undreamed of.


9 years ago


Déjà vu in Paris: Will it be 21st time lucky this time around? Of course not

If you don’t learn from history, you’re bound to repeat it. Here in Saint-Denis, northern Paris, a history lesson is sorely needed. Thousands are gathering here for the 21st international global warming meeting.



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