
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


There is no reason for Tanesco to import poles

The call made by the permanent secretary in the ministry of Industry and Trade, Mr Uledi Mussa, that the Tanzania Electric Supply Company (Tanesco) should purchase electricity poles locally, instead of importing them, should be taken with the seriousness that it deserves.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Purchase poles locally, Tanesco urged

The government yesterday asked Tanzania Electric Supply Company (Tanesco) to consider stopping to spend billions of shillings on purchasing wooden electricity poles from outside the country.


10 years ago


Use of concrete power poles planned

The government is planning to introduce concrete electricity poles that will replace the current wooden poles.


5 years ago

The Sun

Mars has alien LIFE lurking at its icy poles, astronomers believe

Mars has alien LIFE lurking at its icy poles, astronomers believe  The Sun


9 years ago


Loss count as wind fells 7 homes, 15 power poles

The Tanzania Electric Supply Company (Tanesco) in Njombe Region has incurred a huge loss after strong winds at Itambo and Ihanja in Wanging’ombe District damaged 15 electricity poles.


11 years ago


TZ export-import gap up 20pc

Tanzania’s current account deficit widened by 18.56 per cent in 12 months ending November 2013 resulting from a drop in its exports compared with imports.


10 years ago


China in temporary ivory import ban

China imposes a one-year ban on the import of ivory, amid criticism that demand among Chinese consumers is fuelling poaching in Africa.


5 years ago


Tanzanian president promises to import coronavirus 'cure'

There is no scientific proof the Madagascan-made tonic is effective in treating the virus.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

ENOC Africa wins another tender to import fuel


 By Staff Writer

ENOC Africa, a Tanzanian oil company, has won a tender to import fuel under the Petroleum Bulk Procurement System (BPS) for the month of October this year.

The tender, which attracted six oil companies including five foreign and international companies, was awarded to ENOC Africa after offering the lowest Weighted Average Premium per Metric Ton of $ 45.771 per MT.

Other companies (all international) that participated in the tender include Addax Energy SA which quoted $...


9 years ago


Reduce import duty on new vehicles, govt urged

Import duty on new vehicles should be reduced to make the products affordable to many middle-income earners, a manager has said.



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