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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Thousands of companies risk deregistration

>The  Business and Registration Licensing Agency (Brela) has issued a 90-day ultimatum for the companies to file their annual reports or else be deregistered.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Economic and Political Risk Evaluator assists companies in strategic decision-making




Richard Fenning, CEO, Controls Risks.

The political actions of countries clearly affect international trade and monetary flows, which in turn disrupt the global economy and business environment

Control Risks ( and Oxford Economics today launch an innovative risk management enterprise that assists companies in their strategic decision-making.

Economic and political risks are more interconnected than ever before. The strategic success of an organisation relies...


10 years ago


29 religious institutions face deregistration

29 religious institutions face deregistration
Some 29 religious institutions are at risk of losing their registrations for failure to submit financial reports among others, as required by law. Addressing media yesterday in Dar es Salaam, the Registration Insolvency and Trusteeship Agency (RITA ...


9 years ago


Companies for reforms and unity

Companies participating in the Top 100 Mid-Sized firms are facing the challenge of forming a joint platform that will enable them to expand their businesses beyond Tanzania’s borders, the former Chairman of the East African Business Council, Mr Felix Mosha, has said.


11 years ago

Daily News

MP wants all hunting companies probed

MP wants all hunting companies probed
Daily News
SHADOW Natural Resources and Tourism Minister Peter Msigwa asked the government to extensively probe all hunting companies in the country, saying some of the licensed firms were violating legislation and regulations governing wildlife conservation.


10 years ago

Daily News

Thousands ms Form One places

Thousands ms Form One places
Daily News
TWENTY-one per cent of Standard Seven leavers, who excelled in their Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) in Dar es Salaam Region in September th year, have not been selected to join public secondary schools due to lack of places.


11 years ago


Thousands of Eritreans 'abducted'

Up to 30,000 Eritreans have been abducted since 2007 and taken to Egypt's Sinai to suffer torture and ransom demands, new research says


11 years ago


Thousands dead in S Sudan, UN says

Thousands of people must have been killed in the past week of violence in South Sudan, the UN humanitarian co-ordinator there tells the BBC.


10 years ago


Three US companies seek to invest in Tanzania

>Hardly two weeks after Tanzania’s investment bodies convened a promotion forum in the US, three American companies have requested to invest under the country’s Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA).


11 years ago


Companies to recall car lubricants

The government has ordered all importers, distributors and sellers of substandard lubricants to recall the products from the market within a two-month period effective August 4, this year.



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