
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Three firms seek more time on digital migration

Three leading media houses want to be given at least four months to put in place the necessary infrastructure for digital migration.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

'We will meet digital migration deadline'

Daily News
'We will meet digital migration deadline'
Daily News
TANZANIA is confident of meeting the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) deadline for global migration to digital terrestrial television set for June 17, next year. The Minister for Information, Youth, Culture and Sports Dr Fenella Mukangara, said the ...


10 years ago


48 Countries Beat Digital Migration Deadline

48 Countries Beat Digital Migration Deadline
FORTY-eight nations, out of the 119 member countries of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), have successfully transit from analogue to digital migration. The deadline date was June 17, 2015. It was a date agreed to by ITU and member ...


10 years ago


Digital migration company operating illegally

The switch from analogue to digital transmission could turn out disastrous after it emerged that Signet Uganda, the company that is currently distributing digital signals, has not been officially allowed to operate. 


11 years ago


Representatives Decry Slow Pace of Digital Migration

Representatives Decry Slow Pace of Digital Migration
Zanzibar — MEMBERS of the Zanzibar House of Representatives have expressed dissatisfaction with the analogue-to-digital migration project in the isles. The migration project is being implemented by AGAPE Associates of Dar es Salaam, which won the ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Reps decry slow pace of digital migration

Reps decry slow pace of digital migration
Daily News
MEMBERS of the Zanzibar House of Representatives have expressed dissatisfaction with the analogue-to-digital migration project in the isles. The migration project is being implemented by AGAPE Associates of Dar es Salaam, which won the tender by ...


10 years ago


Digital migration can lead to rise in national wealth

The government must wake up to ensure that digital migration creates more jobs to Tanzanians, says the GSMA director of Spectrum & Public Policy for Africa, Mr Mortmer Hope, during a recent interview with BusinessWeek reporter Ludger Kasumuni


9 years ago

Daily News

Dar hailed for meeting digital migration deadline

Dar hailed for meeting digital migration deadline
Daily News
TANZANIA and other Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states have been commended for switching to Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) before the June 2015 deadline set by International Telecommunications Union (ITU).


11 years ago


INSIGHT: Place of Tanzania in digital migration, information age

>Unquestionably, Tanzania has done much in expediting information communication technology (ICT) development countrywide. It has also reduced to a considerable extent the cost of services towards improving affordability of ICT services. There are key ICT developments that could be discerned.


10 years ago


Digital TV shift is no big deal. We had a bigger migration war 50 years ago

And so, let me throw in my two pennies worth in the Kenya digital migration debate now that the brass knuckles have come out.



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