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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


…Tibaijuka: I did nothing wrong

…Tibaijuka: I did nothing wrong
Daily News
MULEBA South Member of Parliament (MP) Professor Anna Tibaijuka on Thursday asked the Public Leadership Ethics Council sitting in Dar es Salaam to observe justice and stick to the truth when determining a complaint presented by Ethics Secretariat ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


OPANGA: There’s right and wrong. Israel is wrong

>You are either with the Palestinians or with Israel. I am with the Palestinians. Look, Israel has elastic borders, which it extends outwards at the slightest pretext and totally and utterly in disregard of international opinion or law. It occupies the land of the Palestinians, builds settlements on it and imposes a land, air and sea blockade against Gaza.


11 years ago


So what is wrong with our films?

>The Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards came and went, that is a fact, so did the glamour, success and failures that came with it.


11 years ago


What is wrong with us Africans? — II

>Foreign powers and institutions purveying a foolish notion of foreign take-over of farmlands and water sources in Africa are fully aware that the idea is utterly inappropriate to the needs of the host countries.


11 years ago


Samaritans gone wrong?

Samaritans gone wrong?
The Stream discusses the real-life inspiration for a new Kenyan TV comedy mocking aid workers. Tweet · Pin It · Email. Guests register for the Tanzania National Government Pandemic Disaster Response Tabletop in Arusha, Tanzania, an event that was ...


9 years ago


Lies for changes wrong way

TVC News
Lies for changes wrong way
Voters listen to a politician ( not in picture) at a campaign rally at Manzese Darajani in Dar es Salaam recently. FILE PHOTO. Amid the ensuing demands for system change in Tanzanian politics, there comes the question of 'what the system in a political ...
Magufuli sketches middleincome road mapDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Tensions rise ahead of tight Tanzania voteNew Vision
Tensions rise ahead of Tanzania voteIndependent...


11 years ago


Where CCM has got it wrong

Today in the series of the articles reflecting the proposals advanced by Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) after the publication of the final Draft Constitution.


11 years ago


MUSINGS: So what’s wrong with prostitution?

>The other day I was at Mama B’s after  some time away. I realised that I was losing out on all the juicy soccer stories.


10 years ago


Are we asking the wrong questions about Ebola?

Are we missing the point about the Ebola outbreak?


11 years ago


What’s wrong with us Africans? - Part I

>Our own leaders are currently driving the continent of Africa at break-neck speed into a more insidious form of slavery than that of the colonialism of the 19th and 20th centuries.



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