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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


TMA issue second weather warning in just two weeks

TMA issue second weather warning in just two weeks
Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) has issued the second weather alert in just two weeks warning the public of expected heavy rains across most all coastal areas. These include Mtwara, Lindi, Pwani, Dar es Salaam and Tanga regions together with ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


TMA issues strong weather warning

TMA issues strong weather warning
The Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) yesterday issued a weather warning saying heavy rains, strong winds and sea storms are expected to storm some regions of the country for three days consecutively starting yesterday. A terse statement issued by ...


11 years ago


TMA issues warning over foul weather

Residents who live close to the sea should take necessary precautions against the prospect of rough conditions in the Indian Ocean, Tanzania Meteorological Authority has warned.


10 years ago


TMA: Do not ignore our weather forecasts

TMA: Do not ignore our weather forecasts
As Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) is today expected to issue a climate outlook for January and February next year the TMA Director General Dr Agnes Kijazi told The Guardian yesterday that the society should never ignore its rainfall forecast as the ...
Two-hour downpour ravages DarDaily News

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10 years ago


DIT, TMA to use ICT in weather management.

DIT, TMA to use ICT in weather management.
The Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT) and Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to improve East Africa's Weather Information Management by Application of Suitable Information Communication ...
DIT, TMA sign deal to improve records collection, preservationDaily News

all 3


11 years ago

Daily News

TMA urges effective use of weather forecasts

Daily News
TMA urges effective use of weather forecasts
Daily News
THE Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) yesterday reminded members of the public to effectively use information on weather forecasts to mitigate climate change related disasters. TMA Director General, Agnes Kijazi said in Dar es Salaam, that contrary to ...


10 years ago


TMA faulted over'failure' to specify weather report

TMA faulted over'failure' to specify weather report
Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) has been faulted for not specifying potential socio-economic effects of the weather reports it issues. Allegations to that effect were levied by Chemba District Commissioner Ramadhani Maneno over the weekend in Dar ...


11 years ago

Daily News

TMA moves to compile national weather database

TMA moves to compile national weather database
Daily News
TANZANIA is working to upgrade and consolidate all data collected from its weather stations in order to effectively join the global observation network, it was stated in Arusha. Director General for the Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA), Dr Agness Kijazi, ...


10 years ago

Daily News

TMA weather reports reliable, public assured

Daily News
TMA weather reports reliable, public assured
Daily News
Recording over 80 percent in accuracy as far as the country's weather forecasting reports and storm warming are concerned, Tanzania is said to have surpassed the international meteorological service average of 70 percent. The Director General for ...


11 years ago


Weather set to improve today, say TMA officials

Weather set to improve today, say TMA officials
After three days of a slightly rough weather in some parts of the country, the situation will normalise today, Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) has said. TMA Director General, Dr Agnes Kijazi told The Guardian over a telephone interview yesterday that ...



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