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Top 10 Countries with Improved Healthcare System in Africa 2020

Top 10 Countries with Improved Healthcare System in Africa 2020  The African ExponentA Nightmare Scenario: Coronavirus Could Devastate Africa  U.S. News & World ReportView Full coverage on Google News

The African Exponent

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Habari Zinazoendana

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Global Infant Phototherapy Lamp Market Growth 2020 GE Healthcare, JW Medical, AVI Healthcare, Mediprema, Drager

Global Infant Phototherapy Lamp Market Growth 2020 GE Healthcare, JW Medical, AVI Healthcare, Mediprema, Drager  Bandera County Courier


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Malaria: list of top 10 high-risk countries in Africa

>Gains in fighting malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa have left the highest risk for the disease concentrated in 10 countries, according to a study published on Wednesday by The Lancet medical journal.


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GSK and Save the Children offer $1 million award for healthcare innovations in developing countries that reduce child deaths


The Healthcare Innovation Award contributes to an ambitious partnership between GSK and Save the Children, which aims to save the lives of a million of the world’s poorest children.

 GSK ( and Save the Children today announced the launch of their second annual $1 million Healthcare Innovation Award at the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health meeting in South Africa. The award was established to identify and reward innovations in healthcare that have proven...


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Top countries for billionaires

CNNMoney | by Jillian Eugenios

Where are the wealthiest people on the planet? These economies boast the highest number of people whose net worth exceeds $1 billion, according to Wealth-X and UBS Billionaire Census 2013.


United States

No. of billionaires: 515

Total net worth (2013): $2,064 billion

Land of the free, home of the billionaires? Nearly a quarter of the world’s wealthiest — those with more than $1 billion in assets — are based in the U.S., according to 2013 data from Wealth-X and...


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Tanzania in top 10 countries that’s lowered child mortality rates by more than two-thirds since 1990



WASHINGTON (AP) — More of the world’s children are surviving to their fifth birthday, but 6.3 million still died last year, mostly from preventable causes, the U.N. children’s agency said Tuesday.

That’s nearly 17,000 young children dying every day. And while death rates have been cut in half since 1990, the world still is short of meeting a goal of a two-thirds decrease in child mortality by next year, the report by the United Nations Children’s Fund...



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