
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Top teachers’ union officials differ on the union structure

Senior officials of the Tanzania Teachers Union (TTU) have aired diverse views on the Union structure.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

CA committee wants union structure maintained

Daily News
CA committee wants union structure maintained
Daily News
CHAPTER Six of the second draft of the Constitution has turned out to be a matter of hot debate with Constituent Assembly (CA) members demanding that the structure of the union be maintained and Zanzibar be given mandate to seek foreign aid. Briefing ...
CA committees: Getting two thirds of votes toughIPPmedia

all 4


11 years ago


Karume cautions on Union structure

>Ambassador Ali Abeid Karume  has said the three-government system proposed by the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) if passed by the Constituent Assembly (CA) and accepted by the public would break the Union, citing  Isle’s poor economic strength.


10 years ago


Kikwete to bid teachers farewell at Teachers' Union meeting

Kikwete to bid teachers farewell at Teachers' Union meeting
President Jakaya Kikwete is tomorrow expected to officiate the ninth annual general meeting (AGM) of the Tanzania Teachers' Union (TTU) to be held in Arusha's Ngurdoto Mountain Lodge. He is also expected to use the opportunity to bid farewell to teachers ...


11 years ago


Union structure key to basic law

At last the long awaited Constituent Assembly has arrived in Dodoma although there are mixed feelings of its outcome after 70 or more days.


11 years ago

Daily News

CA members continue debate on Union structure

Daily News
CA members continue debate on Union structure
Daily News
MEMBERS of the Constituent Assembly (CA) started debating chapters one and six of the draft constitution on Monday evening, with the structure of the union dominating almost the entire discussions. Emotions and tension reigned as heated debates ensued, ...
Hamad Calls for Union Strengthening
CA to debate Union for seven more daysIPPmedia

all 9


11 years ago


Debate on Union structure inevitable, insists Warioba

Debate on Union structure inevitable, insists Warioba
Former Chairman of the Constitutional Review Commission Judge (rtd) Joseph Wareioba, speaks at a constitution review debate held in Dar es Salaam yesterday. As the Constituent Assembly (CA) resumes today, former Prime Minister (rtd) Judge Joseph ...
Constituent Assembly starts second round of debates in DodomaDaily News

all 23


11 years ago


Members lack knowledge on Union structure: legislator

Dodoma. Most of the Constituent Assembly (CA) members have no adequate knowledge on the Union, and have been debating it without knowing the merits and demerits of the various structures, a member said yesterday.


11 years ago


CCM in Kahama faults cadre Lembeli on Union structure

The Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) leadership in the district has criticised Kahama member of Parliament’s stance on the Union structure, saying that his statements to the media were his personal opinion, not Kahama residents’.


11 years ago


Constituent Assembly faced with a big test on Union government structure

Daily News
Constituent Assembly faced with a big test on Union government structure
If there is one thing which both political friends and foes of retired Judge Joseph Warioba now agree on, is the fact that his performance in Dodoma this week while presenting the second draft of the proposed constitution to the Constituent Assembly was both ...
CA members commend president's inaugural speechDaily News
New Chapter in History As Kikwete Inaugurates CA On

all 21...



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