
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Treasury Cautious on 2015/2016 National Budget

Treasury Cautious on 2015/2016 National Budget - Mwigulu
Speaking shortly after meeting the Parliamentary Budget Committee in Dar es Salaam, Deputy Finance Minister Mwigulu Nchemba pledged that they had prioritized on unplugging holes that faced the 2014/2015 budget for a smooth 2015/2016 financial year.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Treasury Registrar Enlisted in National Airline Revamp

Treasury Registrar Enlisted in National Airline Revamp
THE Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has directed the Treasury Registrar to coordinate preparations for the establishment of a new national airline or revamped Air Tanzania Company Ltd (ATCL), which should operate professionally and free ...


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Miss Tanzania USA 2015-2016 Aeesha Kamara ashinda kuwa Cover Girl kwenye kalenda ya Miss Africa USA 2015-2016

Miss Tanzania USA 2015-2016 Aeesha Kamara (kushoto) akiibuka mshindi na kuwa Cover Girl kwenye Kalenda ya Miss Africa USA 2015-2016 shindano ililofanyika New York siku ya Jumamosi Novemba 28, 2015.

Mamiss wengine walioshiriki shindano hilo wakipita mbele ya majaji.

Wadau wakipata picha na mamiss wakati mratibu wa mashindano ya miss Africa Lady Kate alipokua akitangaza shindi.

Ma Winny Casey (gauni jeusi) pamoja na Lady Kate (mwenye miwani) wakiwa na mamiss.


11 years ago


National Budget fails to address shortage of jobs

Three events happened in quick succession last week. On Wednesday night the Karume Mchikichini market in Dar es Salaam burnt down completely leaving hundreds of hawkers, mostly the youth, suddenly jobless.


11 years ago

Daily News

National Assembly pushes for regulatory Budget Act

Daily News
National Assembly pushes for regulatory Budget Act
Daily News
THE National Assembly is pushing for enactment of Budget Act that will help to provide for and regulate budgetary process in the country. The move comes amidst the country's history of not having such a legal instrument, thus making it difficult to closely ...


11 years ago


Budget constraints hinder National Service programmes

Budget constraints hinder National Service programmes
Meager budgets and depleted working gears are the major factors for insufficient performance of youths at National Service and inadequate intakes, top officials assert. The training targeted Form Six leavers as well as graduates from colleges, whose intakes ...


11 years ago


Govt borrows Sh850bn to fill gap in national budget

local commercial sources, to fix a hole in the budget during the first four months of this financial year.


11 years ago


National budget debate set to end today, Mkuya to respond to queries

Members of Parliament are today expected to wind up the debate on the 2014/15 national Budget estimates ready for the Finance minister, Ms Saada Mkuya Salum, and her deputies, Mr Adam Malima, and Mr Mwigulu Nchemba, to respond to their concerns.


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Hiki ndiyo kikosi cha wachezaji 11 ambao wameng`aa zaidi kuelekea kumaliza mwaka 2015, msimu wa 2015/2016 kwenye EPL


Na Rabi Hume, Modewjiblog

Mtandao wa habari za michezo wa umetoa majina 11 ya wachezaji ambao wameonyesha uwezo zaidi katika Ligi Kuu ya Uingereza EPL kwa msimu wa 2015/2016 kuelekea kumaliza mwaka 2015.

Mpaka sasa imeshachezwa michezo 17 na klabu ya Leicester City ikiwa nafasi ya kwanza kwa kukusanya jumla ya alama 38 ikifuatiwa na Arsenal yenye alama 36 na klabu ya Aston Villa ikiwa mkiani na alama 7.

Listi ya wachezaji hao ni kama ifuatavyo;


Jack Butland -Stoke...


10 years ago

Daily News

House endorses 2015/16 budget

House endorses 2015/16 budget
Daily News
MEMBERS of Parliament yesterday overwhelmingly approved the 23-trillion shilling national budget for the 2015/16 fiscal year here after over ten days of deliberations. The revenue and expenditure plan, which Finance Minister Saada Mkuya Salum tabled on ...



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