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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Tuition fee framework set up

Tuition fee framework set up
Daily News
THE Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) has launched a Students Unit Cost Framework, aimed at setting national guidelines for determination of programme costs and setting of tuition fees for higher education in the country. The framework implies ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Govt set to hit employers with payroll fee

The government yesterday announced plans to introduce another payroll fee. Labour and Employment deputy minister Makongoro Mahanga said the funds to be collected would be used to finance research and collect data on workers who die and or are injured at workplaces.


9 years ago


Tanzania: Schools to Cut Tuition

Tanzania: Schools to Cut Tuition
With the ongoing drive to cut back on costs, Tanzania's President John Pombe Magufuli recently called for affordable free education. Now, education Minister Shukuru Kawambwa has banned state schools from collecting contributions from parents, who were ...


10 years ago


Govt launches framework on entrepreneurship

>The government through the National Economic Empowerment Council (NEEC) has inaugurated the National Entrepreneurship Training Framework (NETF) that is intended to be used in schools and colleges in a bid to strengthen entrepreneurship spirit among Tanzanians.


11 years ago


FEATURE: Students misusing tuition fees

>After graduating from high school, many students are ecstatic at the thought of finally enrolling into a university. Having gone through the same phase, I can assure you that the excitement stems from the anticipation for the freedom that university life has to offer.


9 years ago


Tuition fees in private schools ‘unaffordable’

For many years now tuition fees charged by owners of private primary and secondary schools have remained unregulated, thus making owners of private schools do what they like. The area, which has been disputed by both the public and private sectors is fee structure.


10 years ago


NEEC inaugurates entrepreneurship training framework

NEEC inaugurates entrepreneurship training framework
The National Economic Empowerment Council (NEEC) has inaugurated the National Entrepreneurship Training Framework (NETF) that is intended to be applied in schools and colleges in a bid to strengthen entrepreneurship spirit among Tanzanians.


11 years ago

Daily News

Inflated higher learning tuition fees unacceptable

Daily News
Inflated higher learning tuition fees unacceptable
Daily News
PLANS are underway to have indicative tuition fee for all higher learning institutes to bring fairness in the learning process, the Deputy Minister for Education and Vocational Training, Ms Jenista Mhagama has said. Ms Mhagama told the National Assembly ...


9 years ago


Tanzania: Tuition Fees in Private Schools 'Unaffordable'

Tanzania: Tuition Fees in Private Schools 'Unaffordable'
Dar es Salaam — For many years now tuition fees charged by owners of private primary and secondary schools have remained unregulated, thus making owners of private schools do what they like. The area, which has been disputed by both the public and ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Guide for universities' tuition structures taking shape

Daily News
Guide for universities' tuition structures taking shape
Daily News
TANZANIA Commission for Universities (TCU) has launched Students Unit Cost Framework aimed at setting national guidelines for determination of programme costs and setting of tuition fees for higher education in the country. The framework implies that ...



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