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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


UDOM lecturers down tools over allowances

UDOM lecturers down tools over allowances
Lecturers of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Dodoma (UDOM) have laid down their tools, to press for the payment of invigilation allowances amounting to 63m/-. According to the sources at the schools, the allowances are for ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Udom lecturers threaten boycott over uneven pay policy

The University of Dodoma Academic Staff Association (Udomasa) has threatened to  boycott lessons until their  demands for a restructure on the university salary payment structure are met by the government before the 2015/2016 academic year starts in 2 November.


5 years ago

Bandera County Courier

Global Cutting Tools Market 2020 Mitsubishi, OSG, Idaka Precision Tools, Sandvik, Ingersoll, NTK, Sumitomo, STANLEY

Global Cutting Tools Market 2020 Mitsubishi, OSG, Idaka Precision Tools, Sandvik, Ingersoll, NTK, Sumitomo, STANLEY  Bandera County Courier


10 years ago


Zaidi ya wanafunzi 60,000 wa UDOM kufurahia Airtel WI-FI - Airtel yazinduzi mnara wa pili UDOM

 Afisa masoko wa Airtel tanzania Prospa Mwanda akionyesha kwa wanafunzi wa chuo Kikuu dodoma (UDOM) jinsi huduma mpya ya Airtel Wi-Fi Intaneti  inavyofanya kazi mara baada ya uzinduzi wa huduma hiyo chuoni hapo jana. Airtel Tanzania chuoni hupo imezindua huduma ya UNI Wi-Fi Intaneti yenye ubora zaidi na itakayopatikana kwa wananfunzi kwa gharama nafuu
 Meneja masoko wa Airtel Uni Wi-Fi Bi Aneth Muga anaepiga picha ya selfie ili waitume kwa kutumia huduma ya Airtel Wi-Fi intaneti kwa baadhi ya...


11 years ago

Daily News

Dodoma varsity lecturers strike

Daily News
Dodoma varsity lecturers strike
Daily News
STUDENTS at the University of Dodoma (UDOM) were engulfed in anguish and dismay after lecturers abandoned them in the first day of their end of semester's exams. The 'Daily News” witnessed students moving up and down not knowing what to do as they ...
UDOM lecturers down tools over allowancesIPPmedia

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11 years ago


Lecturers withhold results over pay

>Several lecturers at Makerere University have withheld students’ examination results in protest of non-payment of their wages. Majority of the protesters are part-time lecturers.


10 years ago


Lecturers challenged to do more research, publications

Lecturers challenged to do more research, publications
Mzumbe University lecturers have been challenged to put more efforts in areas of research and publications for the benefit of academic institutions and Tanzanians in general. Addressing the 13rd graduation ceremony earlier this week, the University's ...


11 years ago


Parliament to summon VCs over lecturers’ strike

>Parliament will summon Vice Chancellors over lectures’ strike that has paralysed learning in public universities.


11 years ago


DUCE moves to improve lecturers' teaching skills

DUCE moves to improve lecturers' teaching skills
In a bid to improve teaching skills, the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) has introduced a teaching methodology course for higher education institutions that intends to orient academic staffs. According to DUCE, there is a rapid ...


11 years ago

Daily News

The facilities, security, allowances

Daily News
The facilities, security, allowances
Daily News
THE communication system at the Constituent Assembly here has gone digital.Members will now be using electronic cards to vote and to alert the chairperson whenever they want to speak or signal a breach in procedure. Briefing members of the constituent ...
Clerk of the National Assembly, Thomas KashililahIPPmedia
Tanzania's Constituent Assembly to begin marathon session on TuesdayNzweek

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