
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Uganda to install 85 weather stations

Parliament. A total of 85 weather stations will be installed in Uganda over the next two years under a $1m project by the Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory (TAHMO) in an effort to tackle climate-driven environmental shocks and chronic stresses.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Bad weather forecasted for national weather agency as authorities lament its ...

Bad weather forecasted for national weather agency as authorities lament its ...
The Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) is said to occasion the government loses of up to 528m/- in a rental charges for its head office at the Ubungo Plaza in Dar es Salaam. Speaking during a tour of the TMA offices yesterday in the city, officials of the ...
Take heed of weather forecast warnings, TMA tells publicDaily News

all 2


10 years ago



Step 1: Download and install Bluestacks App player from the link provided at the bottom of this article.Note: Bluestacks App player is not compatible with certain anti viruses such as Bitdefender.Step 2: Once Bluestacks App player is installed, run it.Step 3: Once you run Bluestacks App player, you will be greeted with the following screen where you will be prompted to sign in with your Google account, so that you can access the Google Play Store.Step 4: Click on continue and sign in with...


10 years ago

Daily News

Isles to install CCTV

Isles to install CCTV
Daily News
IN wake of public and lawmakers' complaints against the rising threats of insecurity on the Isles, government is now in the process of fixing CCTV systems in strategic areas. Following an increase in crime and incidents of terrorism in the East African region, ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Students install CCM leaders

Students install CCM leaders
Daily News
TANZANIA Federation of High Learning Students of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) has accomplished its election at grasroots level by 81 per cent of all the 77 branches. Positions which were contested included branch chairperson, Secretaries for ideology ...
CCM Central Committee to Meet On

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9 years ago


Muhimbili to install modern X-ray machine

The government has purchased a digital X-ray machine which will be installed at the Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH).


9 years ago


Sumatra set to install speed monitoring device for buses

The Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Authority (Sumatra) plans to install a vehicle trafficking system which will monitor speed and general movement of buses that ply upcountry routes.


5 years ago


Ministers face Magufuli’s ire over failure to install oil flow meters

Some ministers may be in trouble after President John Magufuli labels them “wapumbavu” (idiots) over the dillydallying in installing oil flow meters at Dar and Tanga ports.


10 years ago

Daily News

More polling stations planned

Daily News
More polling stations planned
Daily News
IN a bid to enable marginalised groups including women and people with disabilities (PWDs) to take part in the electoral process, the National Electoral Commission (NEC) plans to increase the number of polling stations from 24,000 to more than 40,000 in ...
UN, UNDP seek commitment to promote gender equalityIPPmedia

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10 years ago


Let’s now protect police stations

Frequent grisly incidences at police stations and police posts are now alarming, sending a shocking message to members of the public that if the police are not spared from attacks, who else will be safe and secure in this country?



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