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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Ukawa sign MoU to field one candidate against CCM

>It is now official. The political marriage that was triggered by Opposition’s  rejection of the constitution making process was yesterday formalised after four parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), to field and support one candidate at all levels including the presidency in 2015 General Election.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Kikwete: CCM to field strong candidate

Kikwete: CCM to field strong candidate
Daily News
NATIONAL and party interests will take precedence over personalities, no matter how popular they are when CCM nominates its presidential candidate, National Chairman President Jakaya Kikwete stressed on Saturday. Opening the National Executive ...


10 years ago


TZ, Kenya sign MoU on timber theft

>Tanzania and Kenya have signed an MOU to combat illegal logging that cost billions of shillings in government revenue.


11 years ago


Three bodies sign MoU against child marriage

Three bodies sign MoU against child marriage
Three organisations have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to end child marriages in Tanzania. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Graça Machel Trust and Children's Dignity Forum (CDF) will strengthen national dynamics for ...
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10 years ago


We’ll field the best candidate, vows Kikwete

>President Jakaya Kikwete, who is also the CCM chairman, yesterday said the party would nominate and field the best candidate to run for the presidency and proceed to succeed him through the October elections.


10 years ago


Tanzania and Kenya sign MoU on Forest matters

Mr. Juma Mgoo, Chief Executive- Tanzania Forest Services Agency (left, signing) and Mr. Emilio Mugo Ag. Chief Executive Kenya Forest Services (right, signing) sign MoU on monitoring of Forest Products Trade at Kenya and Tanzania border points, 24 March 2015 in Arusha, Tanzania. Mr. Juma Mgoo the Chief Executive of Tanzania Forest Services Agency and Mr. Emilio Mugo Ag. Chief Executive- Kenya Forest Services exchange signed MoU documents on monitoring of Forest Products Trade between the two...


9 years ago


Ukawa, CCM won’t produce president, says TLP candidate

The president of the fifth phase government will neither come from CCM nor Ukawa coalition, TLP presidential candidate Maximillian Lyimo has said.


10 years ago

Daily News

Coalition plans to field single candidate in each constituency

Coalition plans to field single candidate in each constituency
Daily News
THE Coalition of People's Constitution (Ukawa) will field a single parliamentary candidate in each constituency in Kilimanjaro Region, it has been revealed here. Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendelo (Chadema) Regional Secretary, Mr Basil Lema and Civic ...
Lipumba quits amidst myriad of accusationsIPPmedia

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10 years ago


Tanzania opposition agree to field presidential candidate

Tanzania opposition agree to field presidential candidate
Tanzania's opposition parties – which have grouped under the UKAWA coalition – on Thursday agreed to field a candidate for the country's presidential election, slated for October. “We have agreed 100 percent to have one presidential candidate for the next ...


10 years ago


Tanzania opp. agree to field presidential candidate
Tanzania opp. agree to field presidential candidate
Tanzania's opposition parties – which have grouped under the UKAWA coalition – on Thursday agreed to field a candidate for the country's presidential election, slated for October. "We have agreed 100 percent to have one presidential candidate for the next ...



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