
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Ultimatum issued to owners of illegal weapons

Ultimatum issued to owners of illegal weapons
Daily News
TANZANIA police force has urged the general public to surrender all illegal weapons within three months or face the full wrath of the law. The call was given in Dar es Salaam yesterday by the Director of Criminal Investigation (DCI) Diwani Athumani, while ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Seized UN weapons cargo 'not illegal'

The UN denies that weapons found on a cargo ship seized by Kenyan authorities at the port of Mombasa were being transported illegally.


10 years ago


Kagera police to launch crackdown on illegal weapons as crime rises

Kagera police to launch crackdown on illegal weapons as crime rises
Kagera regional authorities want Police there to mount an operation to seize all weapons illegally and unregistered weapons and for all found in possession to be brought before the law. Speaking here with religious, political party leaders and government ...


10 years ago

Daily News

2.5m issued with national IDs

2.5m issued with national IDs
Daily News
SOME 6.1 million Tanzanians have been registered in which more than 2.5 million have been issued with national identity cards since the exercise began in February, 2013 in which President Jakaya Kikwete was issued with the first identity card. So far ...
National Identification Authority (NIDA)IPPmedia

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10 years ago

Daily News

More Katiba draft copies issued

More Katiba draft copies issued
Daily News
ABOUT 658,700 copies of the Proposed Constitution have been distributed to public institutions, ministries and civil societies to ensure public awareness in the countdown to the voting process. The distribution also included the hump-printed dots and ...


10 years ago


2.5 Million Issued With National IDs

2.5 Million Issued With National IDs
SOME 6.1 million Tanzanians have been registered in which more than 2.5 million have been issued with national identity cards since the exercise began in February, 2013 in which President Jakaya Kikwete was issued with the first identity card. So far ...
Tanzania hosting Africa forum on electronic IDsIPPmedia
Tanzania reveals eiD issuing successSecurity Document World (press release)

all 7


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

Why Lissu's sureties want an arrest warrant issued

Why Lissu's sureties want an arrest warrant issued  The Citizen Daily


9 years ago


Mbabazi’s lawyers on alert as arrest warrant may be issued

Lawyers to former premier and presidential hopeful Mr Amama Mbabazi have expressed their worry over reports that their client and ‘GoForward’ pressure group flag bearer could be arrested between today and tomorrow.


10 years ago


Warning issued over potential outbreak of waterborne diseases

There is a possibility of an outbreak of water-borne diseases during the short rain season expected between next month and December, the Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) has warned. It says swampy areas and those without proper drainage systems are the most likely to be affected and advises authorities and individuals to take appropriate health precaution measures to minimize the expected health effects. TMA issued the warning at the turn of the week in Morogoro through its...


5 years ago


Warning Issued For Millions Of Microsoft Windows 10 Users

Warning Issued For Millions Of Microsoft Windows 10 Users  ForbesView Full coverage on Google News



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