
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


UN mulls boosting presence in Burundi

The United Nations Security Council passes a resolution asking the secretary-general to consider boosting the UN presence in Burundi, amid fears of a Rwandan-style genocide.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Boosting sports is good, but can we keep it up?

>Sports lovers live in hope against hope that the new community-based sports park in Dar es Salaam will help make Tanzania a force to reckon with.


11 years ago


Now rules bar media presence

Contrary to an earlier agreement that Constituent Assembly committee meetings will be open to the media, the revised standing orders bar journalists from the sessions.


10 years ago


Apple ups its presence in Tanzania

Store, an authorised dealer of Apple products has opened a distribution outlet here in the city to tap Tanzania market.


11 years ago


New policy now boosting leather products business

Tanzanians now stand in a good position to dominate the leather industry and leather products, thanks to a new government policy on import and export of hides and hide products.


10 years ago

Daily News

FETA toasted for boosting fisheries sector

FETA toasted for boosting fisheries sector
Daily News
THE government has commended Fisheries Education and Training Agency (FETA) - Nyegezi Campus for its dedication and support for complementing the country's fishing initiatives by providing training to young Tanzanians enabling them to employ ...


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Boosting Tanzania’s tourism industry – way forward

tourism 1

“The number of tourist attractions we have in the country is great however what matters is the manner in which we use the beautiful attractions to bring more tourists into the country and how the state policies promote the tourism industry inside and outside the country”

The 2015 Global Travel and Tourism report ranks Tanzania in the 93rd position, Kenya as 78th while South Africa is ranked 48th. Despite being among the top 10 countries with the most UNESCO-designated heritage sites,...


11 years ago


VIDEO: Boosting crop yields in Tanzania

Lucy Hooker looks at how a G8 initiative to boost crop yields is working in Tanzania.


9 years ago


Why JPM should focus on boosting healthcare financing

There are strong reasons why President John Magufuli must now focus his momentum on streamlining the healthcare financing system as he tries to widen the country’s tax collection base through austerity measures.


11 years ago


The challenges of boosting Tanzania's rice production

The challenges of boosting Tanzania's rice production



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