
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


UN takes over CAR peace mission

The UN formally takes over peacekeeping operations in Central African Republic, where about 25% of the population has fled their homes.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Dar Reaffirms Stand On DRC Peace Mission

Dar Reaffirms Stand On DRC Peace Mission
PRESIDENT Jakaya Kikwete has reaffirmed the country's commitment in fully backing military action against negative forces bent on disrupting peace and creating anxiety in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to ensure peace in the region.
Tanzanian president vows to fight negative forces in DRC under UN missionGlobal Times

all 3


9 years ago


South Sudan objects to drones for peace mission

South Sudan told the United Nations on Friday that it opposed the use of surveillance drones to help track ongoing fighting in the world’s youngest nation.


10 years ago

Middletown Press

Artists for World Peace returns from Tanzanian eyesight mission

Artists for World Peace returns from Tanzanian eyesight mission
Middletown Press
Carol Gordon, O.D., and Tanzania surgeon Christian Mlundwa consult at the clinic, which Wendy Black-Nasta of Middletown helped established this summer with Artists for World Peace. Courtesy Cynthia E. Rockwell. By Special to the Press. Posted: 09/09/14 ...


10 years ago


Martinsville man dies in car accident while doing mission work

Martinsville man dies in car accident while doing mission work
His family has a home in Martinsville, but he mostly stayed in Teamwork City of Hope, located in the village of Ntagacha, in northwestern Tanzania. Dr. Chacha was tragically killed in a car accident last week in Kisumu, Kenya along with one of his children ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Dar chosen Africa's global peace, unity mission portal

Daily News
Dar chosen Africa's global peace, unity mission portal
Daily News
SAUDI-ARABIA has chosen Tanzania to be the African portal in the Kingdom's new Vienna-based mission aimed at cultivating global peace, unity and harmony through harmonization of different traditions, cultures and religion. Speaking during the first ever ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Tanzania chosen Africa's global peace, unity mission portal

Daily News
Tanzania chosen Africa's global peace, unity mission portal
Daily News
SAUDI-ARABIA has chosen Tanzania to be the African portal in the Kingdom's new Vienna-based mission aimed at cultivating global peace, unity and harmony through harmonization of different traditions, cultures and religion. Speaking during the first ever ...


11 years ago


CAR president 'offers peace talks'

The president of the Central African Republic, Michel Djotodia, offers talks with Christian militias as the sectarian conflict continues, reports say.


9 years ago


VIDEO: Can elections bring peace to CAR?

Polls have opened in the Central African Republic in presidential and parliamentary elections aimed at restoring stable government.


11 years ago


AUDIO: CAR religious leaders team up for peace

Two of the most prominent religious leaders of the Central African Republic have teamed up to seek international commitments to peace and security in the country.



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