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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Union faults mining firm

The National Union of Mine and Energy Workers of Tanzania (NUMET) has condemned Acacia Gold mines for retrenching its workers without following proper procedures.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Payment Of $4.7 Million In Taxes

TRA sues mining firm for non

TRA sues mining firm for non-payment of $4.7 million in taxes
East African Business Week
MWANZA, Tanzania - A suit that started as a civil one has turned criminal, this time the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) is suing an investor for non-payment of taxes. In the Criminal case No 158 of 2013 filed in the Resident Magistrates Court of Tabora, ...
SOS Children's Village drags TRA to court over taxDaily News

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11 years ago


CCM in Kahama faults cadre Lembeli on Union structure

The Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) leadership in the district has criticised Kahama member of Parliament’s stance on the Union structure, saying that his statements to the media were his personal opinion, not Kahama residents’.


11 years ago


#Katiba envoy faults Shivji over Union remarks [VIDEO]

Like a chameleon, Prof. Shivji appears to have switched sides, says Mnyaa.


11 years ago

Daily News

Former manager of local mining firm 'vanishes'

Former manager of local mining firm 'vanishes'
Daily News
SALES Manager for Tanzanite One Limited, Mr Jacques Beytell, who was being investigated by immigration officers for working in the country illegally, is reported to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The 39-year-old citizen of South Africa ...


11 years ago


Karume faults Draft Katiba, claims three-tier Union format unsuitable

Retired Ambassador Ali Abeid Karume has faulted the three-government system proposed in the second Draft Constitution, saying it will disunite Tanzanians, if passed by the National Constituent Assembly.


10 years ago


Gold mining firm reaches payout settlement with Mara villagers

Acacia Mining, formerly African Barrick Gold, has agreed to an undisclosed payout to settle claims by Tanzanian villagers who sued the company over the killing of six people at its North Mara Mine.


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: Union in plan to form export firm

>A regional cooperative union here, Shirecu, has unveiled a plan to commercialise its operations by forming a company that will be involved in buying, ginning and exporting cotton lint overseas.


10 years ago

Zitto Kabwe, MB

Tanzanian Mining companies migrating to the Mining Act 2010 and a Lusaka revolution

Tanzanian Mining companies migrating to the Mining Act 2010 and a Lusaka revolution

Judge Mark Bomani (Bomani Commission)

Judge Mark Bomani (Bomani Commission)

This weekend Tanzanians were informed (viaThe East African- Tanzania seals new tax deal with mining firms) of the decision reached by ministry of energy and minerals and one of the giant mining company in the country, Geita Gold Mine, that new royalty rates will be applicable. The agreement includes scrapping of the 15% provision on the unredeemed capital expenditure...


11 years ago


How will mining affect tourism? Tanzania gives go ahead to uranium mining in ...

How will mining affect tourism? Tanzania gives go ahead to uranium mining in ...
TANZANIA (eTN) - The Tanzanian government has agreed to allow uranium mining inside the famous Selous Game Reserve after the United Nations World Heritage Committee approved an application by the Tanzanian government to alter the boundaries of ...
Tanzania, UNDP Sign Agreement to Fight

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