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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


U.S. Supreme Court open to more damages against Sudan over embassy bombings

U.S. Supreme Court open to more damages against Sudan over embassy bombings  Reuters UKView Full coverage on Google News

Reuters UK

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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

FOX 44

Victims of 2 African embassy bombings await US court case - KWKT

Victims of 2 African embassy bombings await US court case  KWKT - FOX 44View Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


Guilty plea in US embassy bombings

An Egyptian man accused of helping to plan the 1998 bombings of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania pleads guilty in a New York court.


10 years ago

Times Of Malta

US embassy bombings suspect dies before scheduled NY trial

Times of Malta
US embassy bombings suspect dies before scheduled NY trial
Times of Malta
A suspected al Qaeda figure alleged to have helped plan the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya has died in New York just days ahead of his scheduled trial, his son and the prosecutor said yesterday. Abu Anas al-Liby, whose real ...
Terror suspect facing trial dies in hospitalScotsman
Libyan terror suspect Anas al-Liby dies in custodyNewsday

all 53


10 years ago


Bin Laden aide convicted over 1998 EA embassy bombings

A New York jury on Thursday convicted Osama bin Laden aide, Saudi exile Khalid al-Fawwaz, over the 1998 Al-Qaeda bombings of US embassies in East Africa which killed 224 people.


11 years ago


Nigeria court awards Sanusi damages

A Nigerian court awards about $300,000 (£180,000) in damages to suspended central bank chief Lamido Sanusi after he files a harassment case against the government.


10 years ago


Supreme Court stops analogue switch-off

>Kenya’s Supreme Court on Monday stopped the Communications Authority of Kenya from switching off the analogue frequencies of the Nation Media Group, Standard Group and Royal Media Services.


9 years ago


Supreme Court hears rendition claim

One of the most controversial cases of alleged rendition involving the UK - brought by a former Libyan dissident - comes before the Supreme Court later.


11 years ago


Fault lines re-emerge in US Supreme Court

Sometimes there is no middle ground.Through much of the US Supreme Court’s term, the nine justices found common if narrow ground to bridge their differences. Many of their high-profile decisions avoided the polarization that defines Washington today.


11 years ago


Ex-judge lauds CRC for Supreme Court proposal

A former High Court judge has commended the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) for proposing the establishment of a supreme court.



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