
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Verdict on Muhongo spells doom in our leadership

His profile on Wikipedia begins thus: Sospeter M. Muhongo, FGSAf, FTWAS, FAAS, CGeol, EurGeol, MASSAf, FGIGE, MP.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Shoddy Road Construction Spells Doom for Users

Shoddy Road Construction Spells Doom for Users
ACCIDENTS loom along Chanika Road in Dar es Salaam due to an extensive gully, left unfilled by contractors who were renovating the stretch. According to Tanzania National Roads Agency (Tanroads), work on the road was being undertaken by a local ...


9 years ago


Presidential Leadership Awards hosted by GPS and African Leadership Magazine

Fun and Inspiration, celebrating great leadership @ Presidential Leadership Awards hosted by GPS and African Leadership Magazine. In attendance : President Hage Geinbgob of Namibia, Vice President Isatou Njie Saidy of The Gambia representing the Head of State and other great leaders from United States Congress including Honorable John Lewis, Martin Luther King III, Hank Johnson and more. Congratulations once more to GPS and African Leadership Magazine and Thanks to the dynamic Ms Nene Barry...


11 years ago

Daily News

PM spells out 2014/15 priorities

Daily News
PM spells out 2014/15 priorities
Daily News
THE Prime Minister, Mr Mizengo Pinda, unveiled his office's 2014/15 budget proposals that seek to boost industrial and agricultural production, as well as regulate tuition fees in higher learning institutions. The premier admitted escalating public outcries over ...


10 years ago

Daily News

PM spells out measures to solve land conflicts

Daily News
PM spells out measures to solve land conflicts
Daily News
THE government announced a major reshuffle of senior administrative officers in Kiteto District and Manyara Region within this week, to find a lasting solution to land conflicts in the area. Presenting the government statement in the National Assembly here on ...


10 years ago


COVER: TAFA spells new dawn for bongo movies

>It was glitz and glamour as the cream of Bongo movies  stars mixed freely over the weekend at the launch of the Tanzania Film Awards.


11 years ago


It’s doom and gloom for the forests

The recent increase in electricity tariffs and prices of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) will have a huge impact on the environment in particular, through escalation of deforestation and forest degradation.


11 years ago


It’s not all doom and gloom for education

>Halima Kimbuchu is a frustrated teacher.  As she leaves home for work in  Mlingotini Secondary School, Bwawani Tanga, images of the many students that squat on the floors of her dilapidated class crop up in her mind.


5 years ago


‘DOOM Eternal’ Scrapped The Pistol, Now You Can See It In Action

‘DOOM Eternal’ Scrapped The Pistol, Now You Can See It In Action  Forbes


11 years ago


How myopic oil and gas policies will doom Tanzania

The warning is contained in a final consultancy report on Evidence-based Research and Policy Review on Oil and Natural Gas Sector commissioned by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF Tanzania), which is implementing Oil for Development project.



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