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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


VIDEO: The gemstone mined by child labour

Why children are used to dig up Tanzanian gems


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


VIDEO: Child labour on Church-owned land

Evidence discovered by a BBC investigation shows child labour is being used on land owned by the Catholic Church.


11 years ago


Your child’s well being is her labour of love

Jennifer Semit Kahwa is a teacher working at the Fountain Gate Academy located in Tabata Barakuda.


11 years ago


Child labour is a major problem

Daily News
Child labour is a major problem - Govt
The government has acknowledged that child labour is still a critical problem in the country citing poverty as the main factor that forces guardians to send children in search of jobs, citing farming and mining as the prevalent sectors where children are ...
War on child labour gathers momentumDaily News

all 2


10 years ago


Meeting to Discuss Child Labour

Meeting to Discuss Child Labour
THE national conference on child labour in the agriculture sector begins in Dar es Salaam on Tuesday. The three-day meeting has been organised by the Prime Minister's Office and the Ministry of Labour and Employment in collaboration with Winrock ...


10 years ago


War Against Child Labour Must Be Stepped Up

War Against Child Labour Must Be Stepped Up
In Tanzania, exploitation of child labour has become so commonplace, especially in urban centres, that the average person no longer sees it as a heinous offence. Not many people know that enlisting child labour is a crime. Toiling children are not in cities ...


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: End child labour scourge

>The liberation of over 7,000 children from forced labour in tobacco plantations in Sikonge and Urambo districts in Tabora Region makes both good and bad reading.


10 years ago


More Effort Needed to End Child Labour

More Effort Needed to End Child Labour
FIRST Lady, Salma Kikwete and Danielle de Niese jointly launch the 'Red Card Campaign' in Dar es Salaam aimed at ending child labour. (Photo by Mohamed Mambo). FIRST lady Salma Kikwete has called for members of the public to fight for the rights of ...


9 years ago


Big families linked to child labour

Plans are on for Plan International Tanzania to introduce reproductive health education in its second phase of the child labour project next year in Geita Region.


11 years ago

Daily News

War on child labour gathers momentum

Daily News
War on child labour gathers momentum
Daily News
THE team of permanent secretaries formed to look into findings by Human Rights Watch on child labour in Tanzania has completed its work and handed over its report to the government. Labour Commissioner Saul Kinemela said in Dar es Salaam that the ...



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