
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Views sought on EAC

East African Legislative Assembly (Eala) members are visiting the region to seek the views of the people on the integration process as well as get first hand information on the implementation of regional projects.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


EDITORIAL: Yes, Kenyatta’s views on EAC are pertinent

Like other inter-state blocs, the East African Community (EAC) is not spared of the challenges of attaining unity in diversity.  The original EAC constituting Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania collapsed in 1977 after a ten-year span that was for most part characterised by frictions. It was revived in July 2000, and subsequently expanded by taking Rwanda and Burundi on board.


11 years ago


Better revenue systems sought

Revenue systems will be harmonised to create a level playing field with multinational companies often accused of plundering resources in developing countries.


10 years ago


Better pay for porters sought

The management of Kilimanjaro National Park (Kinapa) and regional authorities here have been directed to find a lasting solution to problems facing porters and guides handling visitors to Mt Kilimanjaro.


11 years ago


Sh480bn sought for rural electrification

The government is looking for $300 million (Sh480 billion) in form of grants for rural energy programmes to increase supply from the current 7 per cent to 30 per cent by 2025.


11 years ago


Autonomy for Tengeru institute sought

The government yesterday tabled a resolution in Parliament to give full autonomy to Tengeru Community Development Training Institute.


11 years ago


Declaration sought on wildlife trade

Leaders from 40 states are gathering in London to discuss the illegal wildlife trade.


10 years ago

Daily News

Law sought for geographic identification

Law sought for geographic identification
Daily News
TANZANIA could benefit as a country if there was legislation and frameworks for the utilisation of Geographic Indication (GI). Speaking exclusively to the 'Daily News on Saturday,' a PhD student at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Ms Innocensia John, ...


11 years ago


suitably qualified consultant sought!

Restless Development is the leading youth-led development agency, operating in Tanzania since 1993. Our mission is to demonstrate that young people can and are placed at forefront of change and development.  Our vision is to see young people taking up leadership roles which contribute to urgent development needs in support of the Government of Tanzania efforts as set out in the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP/MKUKUTA II.We provide training, mentoring, peer...


10 years ago


‘Shabaab girl’ details sought

>The government of Tanzania has said it is still gathering information on Ummul Khayr Sadri,  the 19-year-old Zanzibari girl who was arrested in Kenya while reportedly was en route to join Somali-based Al-Shaabab militants.



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