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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Vodacom welcomes Tanzanian retreat from mandatory listings

East African Business Week
Vodacom welcomes Tanzanian retreat from mandatory listings
Reuters Africa
JOHANNESBURG May 18 (Reuters) - A new Tanzanian draft regulation suggesting that telecoms companies pay a 1 percent universal service fee is "more reasonable" than an earlier government demand for mandatory listing on the Dar es Salaam bourse, ...
Tanzania telecom boosts SMEsEast African Business Week

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Reuters Africa

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Citizen News

Tanzanian Artiste Mr Nice Welcomes Second Child

Citizen News
Tanzanian Artiste Mr Nice Welcomes Second Child
Citizen News
Tanzanian Bongo artist Mr Nice has this year been blessed with his second child, Nicole. Nicole was born to the singer and his wife who have an older child, a son. Mr Nice intimated that he and his wife had waited to have a second child so that their children ...


5 years ago


Oppo A92 and A52 surface through Google Play Console listings - news

Oppo A92 and A52 surface through Google Play Console listings - news  GSMArena.comOppo A92, Oppo A52 Specifications Tipped in Google Play Console Listings, Snapdragon 665 SoC and Android ...  Gadgets 360View Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


County directs mandatory testing for building materials

>All building materials for property in Nairobi will now be subjected to testing by experts to verify their suitability before any construction work begins.


5 years ago

The Citizen

Dilema for visitors over mandatory isolation directives in Tanzania

Dilema for visitors over mandatory isolation directives in Tanzania  The CitizenJack Ma’s donated materials to fight Covid-19 arrive in Tanzania  The Citizen DailyView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


IDs to be made mandatory for job seekers, says NIDA.

IDs to be made mandatory for job seekers, says NIDA.
he National Identification Authority (NIDA) has said it was working on a new system to make it mandatory to produce the national IDs for those seeking employment in government or in private sector. The new system if executed will be applicable in Zanzibar ...


10 years ago


Mwanza teachers to strike over mandatory salary deductions for construction of lab

Mwanza teachers to strike over mandatory salary deductions for construction of lab
Members of the Tanzania Teachers Union (TTU) in Mwanza have threatened to strike if the city executive director maintains his decision to deduct 10,000/- from teachers for the construction of school laboratories there. The well over 3000 teachers are also ...


5 years ago


Twitter makes working from home mandatory for employees around the world in response to COVID-19

Twitter makes working from home mandatory for employees around the world in response to COVID-19  TechCrunchView Full coverage on Google News


9 years ago


TRAVEL : Retreat in the heartland of Karen

 One of the great things of going to a university in London that specialises in the study of Africa and Asia was the opportunity to meet people living and working in countries outside Europe.


10 years ago


Ebola threat on focus at AU retreat

The global threat of Ebola Virus is high on the agenda of the African Union Retreat attracting over 100 international mediators, envoys, and former heads of state here.



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