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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Vote only where you registered : NEC

Nobody will be allowed to cast their vote at a polling station other than the one at which they were registered, the National Electoral Commission (NEC) said yesterday.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


You’ll vote where you registered, says NEC boss

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) insisted yesterday that eligible voters will only be allowed to cast their ballots at the place they have registered themselves and not otherwise.


10 years ago


We’ve registered 11m, NEC says

>The National Electoral Commission (NEC) announced yesterday that it has registered over 11 million people using the Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) technology in 13 regions that have completed registration.


9 years ago


NEC must ensure every registered voter votes

A silent crisis is looming as the election nears. It would not be surprising if eligible voters were turned away in large numbers and denied the right to elect the leaders of their choice--simply because of inaccurate or missing particulars.


10 years ago


National IDs can’t be used to vote-NEC

>The National Electoral Commission (NEC) director of elections, Mr Julius Malaba, has said the national IDs issued by the National Identification Authority (Nida) cannot be used during voting.


10 years ago

Daily News

NEC word on Katiba vote awaited

NEC word on Katiba vote awaited
Daily News
REGISTRATION of voters for referendum on the Proposed Constitution and the October general elections is set to resume countrywide soon, the Prime Minister, Mr Mizengo Pinda, said on Wednesday. The premier said the government has already disbursed ...


9 years ago


NEC has plenty to do to defend BVR integrity, right to vote

NEC has plenty to do to defend BVR integrity, right to vote
Disqueting reports of all kinds have surfaced over the past few weeks on what is happening in various areas in relation to the biometric voter registration (BVR) cards. There are claims that BVR cards are being held by a certain number of unqualified ...


9 years ago


NEC testing software for presidential vote tallying

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) will deploy new technology to receive, tally and announce the presidential vote results in real time, The Citizen can report today.


10 years ago

Daily News

Magufuli, Amina, Migiro win NEC vote

Magufuli, Amina, Migiro win NEC vote
Daily News
AFTER a nail-biting process, the National Executive Committee (NEC) of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) selected Dr John Magufuli, Ambassador Amina Salum Ali and Dr Asha Rose Migiro, as the presidential aspirants whose names were to be taken to the ...


9 years ago


Devise system to make women vote easily, NEC advised.

Devise system to make women vote easily, NEC advised.
The Legal and Human Right Centre (LHRC) has proposed that the National Electoral Commission should devise a system that would allow women to vote easily during the General Election as a way of encouraging many to take part. The centre's Programme ...



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