
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


We are cheating the nation at our own peril

There is a story which I was told some years ago. There was an old man in a village who decided not to take a bath. After years of living that way, one day his children decided to take him forcefully to the river and bathed him. When they returned home they left him sleeping in his room but when they woke up in the morning they found him dead.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Mandela memorial: From 'rainbow nation' to 'rain boo nation'

What future for South Africa's leader after memorial boos?


9 years ago


We can only ignore plight of teachers at our peril

As Tanzanian teachers join their professional colleagues elsewhere to mark the World Teachers’ Day, held on October 5 annually since 1994, it is appropriate to look at the situation of our teachers, without whom we cannot talk of any meaningful future of our young.


9 years ago


Tanzanian media: Missing in action at our own peril

Last week the African Media Initiative (AMI) launched Zimeo Excellence in Media Awards to encourage good journalism in the continent. Why Zimeo? This is a Kiswahili word for “war cry”.


11 years ago


Discuss my exit at your own peril, Mugabe warns

>Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe who turns 90 on Friday says there is no need to talk about his succession because he is not about to retire.


10 years ago


How to love again after cheating

Once you’ve been cheated on, it’s hard to learn to trust someone again. If you’re brave enough to give love another chance after a breakup or divorce because of infidelity, how do you put your heart in someone else’s hands? Some simple ideas to help you work through all your complicated feelings.


10 years ago


Maghembe accused of cheating

Dodoma. Listening to lawmakers debating the budget for the Ministry of Water yesterday, the main question that emerged—and which begs an urgent answer is: Does the government fabricate statistics to support its course in Parliament?


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

11 years ago

University World News

Universities commission to crack down on cheating

Universities commission to crack down on cheating
University World News
The Tanzania Commission for Universities intends to start screening all undergraduate research work in various institutions in a bid to curb cheating and duplication, reports The Guardian. The programme, effective from next academic year, will, among other ...


10 years ago


Arrests in Morocco for exam cheating

Dozens of people are arrested in Morocco accused of selling answers to final exams taken by thousands of secondary school pupils.



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