
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


We Need to Create Level Playing Field in Fighting Youth Unemployment

We Need to Create Level Playing Field in Fighting Youth Unemployment
The ongoing debate on income inequality and youth unemployment in Tanzania has covered many of the trend's repercussions, including decreased social cohesion, or "time bomb" as some politicians like to put it, growing slums and exploitation of labour.

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Zanzibar government must level 2015 election playing field

Looking ahead to the 2015 general election, the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) has once again announced a strategy aimed at ensuring that it wins in some of the Pemba Island constituencies where it has always performed far below average.


5 years ago

The Citizen

‘Level playing field and let women compete for leadership positions’

‘Level playing field and let women compete for leadership positions’  The Citizen


9 years ago


Kyei open to playing for Ghana at senior level

France U-21 striker Grejohn Kyei says he would consider playing for Ghana at senior level if the Black Stars came calling.


10 years ago


'Youth unemployment can be solved'

'Youth unemployment can be solved'
According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) report for 2014, unemployment has remained a global major challenge. The report reveals that there are about 202 million people without employment globally. This is equal to 6 per cent of all the ...
Job insecurity challenge for youths - ILO reportDaily News

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11 years ago

Daily News

Youth unemployment needs to be tackled once and for all

Daily News
Youth unemployment needs to be tackled once and for all
Daily News
DEVELOPMENT partners have been asked to cooperate with government in providing training and employment of youth. Mwanza Regional Commissioner (RC), Eng. Evarist Ndikilo said this on Friday during activities to mark World Population Day in Mwanza ...


10 years ago


Youth Unemployment Needs a Solution

Youth Unemployment Needs a Solution - PS
The Star
PRESIDENT Uhuru Kenyatta wants the National Assembly to approve the National Employment Bill to provide jobs for youth, devolution PS Peter Mangiti has said. "We seek to create sustainable and dignified employment opportunities for youth," Mangiti said ...
Youth Entrepreneurship Facility comes of age with great impactIPPmedia

all 2


10 years ago


MPs debate youth unemployment

MPs debate youth unemployment
Youth unemployment was a top agenda yesterday in the Parliament as MPs entered second day to debate the 5.764trn/- budget estimates for the Prime Minister's Office for the next financial year. A majority of speakers backed the concept that the government ...


10 years ago


Dr Shein: Zanzibar serious on ending youth unemployment

Dr Shein: Zanzibar serious on ending youth unemployment
Zanzibar President Dr Ali Mohamed Shein has reiterated government's determination to end youth unemployment problems which he said has become global problem now. He said last year about 73.4 percent of the youths globally had no jobs.



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