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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


We’re happy about poll results, says ACT

The leadership of the opposition party Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-Wazalendo) has expressed satisfaction with the results it registered in the October General Election, saying plans were already in place for a sound victory in 2020.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


We’re happy with results: CCM

CCM claims that preliminary election results  show the ruling party has won parliamnetary seats in 176 constituencies out of 264 contested countrywide.


11 years ago


Parties dig in over results of poll

>The last one month has seen a number of turns and twists within the country’s main opposition party Chadema.


9 years ago


Ukawa: Twaweza poll results not credible

Speaking at a press conference in Dar es Salaam today NCCR Mageuzi national chairman Mr James Mbatia and Ukawa co-chairman, raised doubts about the credibility of the methodology used by Twaweza  in the recently published opinion poll.


11 years ago


Madagascar legislative poll results announced

Madagascar’s Special Electoral Court (CES) has published the official results of last December’s legislative polls.


9 years ago


Ukawa leaders want release of poll results suspended

Ukawa leaders want release of poll results suspended
Leaders of the opposition coalition known as Ukawa have called for the immediate suspension in announcing the Union Presidential results. This is only hours after news broke out early yesterday that the Zanzibar Electoral Commission had cancelled the ...
US 'Alarmed' at Annulment of Zanzibar ElectionVoice of America
Diplomats 'alarmed' by Zanzibar vote annulmentNew Vision
EAC observer mission commends general election...


9 years ago

Daily News | The National Newspaper (Press Release) (Blog)

NEC pledges to announce poll results immediately

NEC pledges to announce poll results immediately
Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
THE National Electoral Commission (NEC) has said that it is doing everything possible to ensure that the general election results are announced as early as possible, preferably within three days after polling day, despite the fact that the law allows ...


9 years ago

Citizen TV (Press Release)

Tanzania's opposition rejects poll results as tallying

Citizen TV (press release)
Tanzania's opposition rejects poll results as tallying
Citizen TV (press release)
Tanzania's opposition coalition Umoja wa Katiba na Maendeleo (UKAWA) has rejected the presidential election results being released by the National Electoral Commission (NEC). UKAWA's affiliate parties – the Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo ...


9 years ago


CUF candidate rejects results of Masasi poll

The defeated CUF candidate for Masasi parliamentary seat Mr Ismail Makombe has refused to concede defeat saying the election was marred by irregularities.


9 years ago


Defeated Chadema candidates to challenge poll results in court

Defeated Chadema candidates to challenge poll results in court
Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo parliamentary contenders in Lake Zone who lost in the General Election are now preparing to challenge the election results in the High Court. These are Vicent Nyerere (Musoma-Urban), Steven Owawa (Rorya), James ...



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