What ‘enlightened persistence’ means
Enlightened Persistence means working with a sense of desire and conviction: the desire to achieve Life Balance and the conviction that you can reach it, despite all the challenges that arise.
Habari Zinazoendana
10 years ago
TheCitizen16 Oct
Practising enlightened persistence
Having discussed the previous five strategies for practicing enlightened persistence in the previous two weeks, today I want to touch the last on
11 years ago
TheCitizen24 Jul
CORPORATE SUFI: Why enlightened persistence is important
>The clearer you are about what Life Balance looks like for you, and the more faith and conviction you have that you can achieve it, the more you invite it into your life. If you believe you can create the ideal Life Balance for yourself, you can attract that balance into your life. For example, you may feel that your week has been balanced if you are able to arrange the following:
11 years ago
AllAfrica.Com10 Mar
'Passion, Persistence Recipe for Success'
Lilongwe — Zambia's international women empowerment advocate, Gladys Mutukwa, has advised Malawian women to be persistent and passionate in whatever they do if they are to attain excellence. Mutukwa, who is also a successful lawyer and an ...
5 years ago
Seeing 'until tomorrow' all over Instagram? Here's what it means
Seeing 'until tomorrow' all over Instagram? Here's what it means USA TODAY'Until tomorrow' Instagram quarantine caption game, explained - Insider INSIDERThese Tweets About Instagram's "Until Tomorrow" Challenge All Ask The Same Question Elite DailyWhat is the ‘Only Until Tomorrow’ challenge? Latest Instagram trend revealed HITC'Until Tomorrow' is the boring Instagram challenge of the coronavirus Fast CompanyView Full coverage on Google...
10 years ago
11 years ago
TheCitizen23 Jan
Excellence means competency
In the same interview, Nido responded to a question about what competencies he had acquired:
10 years ago
BBC30 Jul
9 years ago
TheCitizen17 Oct
When your vote means a bucket of water
The latest political survey carried out in August this year by Twaweza indicated that water problem was one of the critical issues facing majority of people in Tanzania. Women are more affected given their roles at home.
10 years ago
TheCitizen22 Aug
COVER: When Jeans become a means of expression
>When you walk into the National Museum Theatre in Dar es Salaam on the first Sunday of every month, the first thing you are likely to notice are two giant screens mounted on the opposite walls.
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania