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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


When absenteeism in parliament goes to extreme

When absenteeism in parliament goes to extreme
Thank God we have advanced technology in form of television sets to help us witness live what is going on in the current budget parliamentary sessions. One of the attention attracting spectacle to behold is hundreds of empty red covered seats when House ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Zitto Kabwe, MB

Presentation: How can Parliament develop effective ways of dealing with the media to ensure strong advocacy for coverage of Parliament?

Notes from a presentation on June 30 2014 at Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, local seminar for all Zambian Members of Parliament (Lusaka).

Download How can Parliament develop effective ways of dealing with the Media to ensure strong advocacy for coverage of Parliament?.


10 years ago


EAC passes new rule on absenteeism

A partner state that will not attend key meetings of the East African Community (EAC) without any sound reason will now face the music, it was resolved here at the weekend.


11 years ago


How teachers' absenteeism greatly effects education

How teachers' absenteeism greatly effects education
Absenteeism is very costly. Evidence suggests that teachers' absence affects students attendance (students' absences), which eventually profoundly affect students' grade point averages. A Study Titled ''the impact of student and teacher absenteeism on ...


11 years ago


Council moves to curb absenteeism in primary schools

The district council here has revealed a strategy that would be applied to curb absenteeism in primary schools.


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: DC sacks 6 execs for absenteeism, compromising projects

>Meatu District Council in Simiyu Region has sacked five village executive officers and one ward executive officer over absenteeism from their duty stations.


11 years ago


How it feels to live in extreme poverty

I am currently volunteering at Mpapa Health Centre in a rural area of Tanzania. I have now delivered over 25 beautiful babies and am always busy caring for patients who come walking from villages miles and miles away to receive treatment that most of us would have from our own medicine cabinet.


9 years ago


Extreme measures that women take to get enviable curves

There was nothing wrong with 29-year-old Isabella’s body. She had been told that she was a beautiful woman countless times. Standing five feet, eight inches, Isabella – who requested anonymity – looked like a model.


11 years ago

Daily News

Extreme care needed in these four days of 'storm'

Daily News
Extreme care needed in these four days of 'storm'
Daily News
THE torrential rains currently falling over the Tanzanian coast but most telling and with devastating results in Dar es Salaam Region and its hinterland is not some 'wet and wild' park fun scenario. It is the real thing – and a life-threatening one at that. According ...
Tanzanian President Wary of Backlash as Gas Super Tax ConsideredBusinessweek
At least 10 dead in Tanzanian floodNinemsn
At least 10 dead in Dar es...



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